Describe Block 8 - Geometry/Residuals here.## page was renamed from Block 6A - Lat/Lon Tiling V0 = Block 8 - Geometry Residuals = == Description == Geometry is a very power and necessary tool in SPC in order to update the spacecraft position. Once done, the position and pointing of the spacecraft is significantly improved so that the calculations with [[residuals]] is more accurate. == Assumptions == * You have invoked a Bourne-Again Shell (bash) on == User inputs == * None == Procedure == === Step 1- Ensure Stability === Ensure that there are no major problems with the shape model. * Correlations of all landmarks are fixed. You can run support/batchCheck to check this. This runs [[lithos]] and checked each landmark's images' correlation and stars. You can also use support/ This would be required to be done after an iteration, based on the .OOT log files. {{{ echo 5 .005 .0002 | residuals # 5 is static, .005 should be 5*acceptable RMS error, .0002 is the pixel size of the highest resolution image grep ">>" RESIDUALS.TXT }}} * Review the output. * Run [[lithos]] on that list of landmarks, most likely by hand to fix whatever issues there are. * Landmarks have sufficient images (3). Review the last section of MAPINFO.TXT and look for any landmarks that have fewer than 3 images. If you find some, try to fix them. Otherwise, delete them -- they could add instability to the model * Images have sufficient landmarks (3). (test specific. Review the PICINFO.TXT for all of the DS survey images. If there are images with fewer than 3 landmarks, run autoregister to add some. If that doesn't work, tuck them. === Step 2 - Prep for geometry === * Backup your working directory {{{ rsync --exclude=*DAT -hapvP . backup- }}} === Step 3 - Run Geometry === Running geometry is pretty simple, but it is very powerful. In this case, we will do an update of the central vector first. It is unlikely that it is needed because lithosP usually does this a lot, but it doesn't hurt. Then we run camera pointing, SCOBJ, which moves the spacecraft and its pointing. This updates the SUMFILES. {{{ geometry 1: landmark vectors. 2: camera pointing, scobj 0: end. input operation list 120 enter number of iterations 15 use limbs for pointing? (y/n) y continue? (y/n) n }}} === Step 4 - Review === {{{ echo 5 .005 .0002 | residuals # 5 is static, .005 should be 5*acceptable RMS error, .0002 is the pixel size of the highest resolution image grep ">>" RESIDUALS.TXT grep ">" MAPINFO.TXT }}} * If you have errors in RESIDUALS.TXT, you will need to look for the specifics with RESIDUALS.TXT itself. If the error is in an overlap (it only lists 6 characters), you can ignore this. * You should expect many more errors in MAPINFO.TXT, and when you go into the landmark, you won't be able to find a problem. For this step, focus on the worst values === Step 5 - Save RESIDUALS output === {{{ mkdir ../jrwlog/step1-6 mv PICINFO.TXT MAPINFO.TXT RESIDUALS.TXT check.txt ../jrwlog/step1-6 mv EMPTY.TXT FLATLIST.TXT LIMINFO.TXT LMKVECS.TXT MAPCHK.TXT MAPRES.TXT PRUNE.TXT no_update.txt veto.txt RANGES_SOLVED.TXT ../jrwlog/step1-6 }}} === Step 6 - Iterate === To enable the benefits of [[geometry]] and whatever landmarks you did fix during your review, run iterate. Execute [[Block 5 - Iterate]]