= How to convert Gaskell ICQ model to other formats = == Convert to PLT == * Use AltWg tool ICQ2PLT == Convert to OBJ == * Use AltWg tool PLT2OBJ == Convert to GeoTIFF == * Use spheremapsB to convert to a pgm, then GDAL to convert pgm to GeoTIFF. GDAL can also be used to make the GeoTIFF readable by ISIS. Further details can be found in [[Convert MAP]] since it is very similar. spheremapsB will work with user specified maps; these maps can be maplets or bigmaps. == Convert to DSK == * This is the format used by NAIF. Use the program mkdsk, which is part of the NAIF SPICE TOOLKIT. Here is how to setup the required files. {{{ mkdsk -setup setup.txt }}} Here's an example of setup.txt for Tethys. Will need a the leap second kernel naif00112.tls. Here's a link to the NAIF description of how to use mkdsk. [[https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/utilities/MacIntel_OSX_32bit/mkdsk.ug|Naif MKDSK link]]. Note that the ICQ must have the first line as the Q size, as laid out in the NAIF link. {{{ \begindata INPUT_SHAPE_FILE = 'TethysGaskell.TXT' OUTPUT_DSK_FILE = 'TethysGaskell.bds' LEAPSECONDS_FILE = ( 'naif0012.tls' ) COMMENT_FILE = ' ' SURFACE_NAME = 'Gaskell_Tethys_Q512' CENTER_NAME = 'TETHYS' REF_FRAME_NAME = 'IAU_TETHYS' START_TIME = '1950-JAN-1/00:00:00' STOP_TIME = '2050-JAN-1/00:00:00' DATA_CLASS = 1 INPUT_DATA_UNITS = ( 'ANGLES = DEGREES' 'DISTANCES = KILOMETERS' ) COORDINATE_SYSTEM = 'LATITUDINAL' MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -90.0 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = 90.0 MINIMUM_LONGITUDE = -180.0 MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE = 180.0 DATA_TYPE = 2 PLATE_TYPE = 2 NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += 1 NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += 'Gaskell_Tethys_Q512' NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += 603 \begintext }}} == Important Parameters == * DATA_TYPE, as of 05 Apr 2017 version, is always set to 2 * PLATE_TYPE should be set to 2 for a Gaskell model.