Describe EXTRACT_DATA_PIC here. ---- {{{ SUBROUTINE EXTRACT_DATA_PIC(NTMP,QSZ,SCALE,PICNM,IPL, . V,UX,UY,UZ,HUSE,HT,CP,SP,EUSE,ETOL, . FINV,DPIC_DLOC,DIDH,DJDH,Z0,KK,ESZ,DN, DNX) }}} ---- * INTEGER NTMP NTMP is a global compile parameter that defines the maximum size of maplets (it allocates memory) Standard value is 128 * INTEGER QSZ QSZ is the half size of maplet. width = QSZ * 2 + 1 It is derived from [[READ_MAP]] * DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE The scale (both horizontally x and y, as well as verticlally). The values in the [[MAPLET]] should be multiplied by this value to get its actual value. Units are in km. It is derived from [[READ_MAP]] * CHARACTER*12 PICNM The name of the image that you want to use. The file is read in (again) in this program) * DOUBLE PRECISION IPL(2) IPL = Image Pixel Line. Scaling factor to translate from physical to image frame. Comes from [[V2IMGPLV]] * DOUBLE PRECISION V(3) Central vector of the maplet It is derived from [[READ_MAP]] * DOUBLE PRECISION UX(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION UY(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION UZ(3) Normal plane of the maplet in X, Y and Z space It is derived from [[READ_MAP]] * LOGICAL HUSE(-NTMP:NTMP,-NTMP:NTMP) Tracks each pixel of the maplet to define if its value should be considered Defined in [[HGT2SLP]] * REAL*4 HT(-NTMP:NTMP,-NTMP:NTMP) HT - Height. The height of the template at that location of the maplet. Used for trying to identifing shadow. * DOUBLE PRECISION CP(3) Camera vector Calculated in this subroutine * DOUBLE PRECISION SP(3) Sun vector Calculated in this subroutine * LOGICAL EUSE "Expanded T1" Flag for when to use the expanded threshold for DN. Is a flag set within [[lithos]] or [[lithosp]] using the 'x' option Uses the ETOL variable * DOUBLE PRECISION ETOL Expanded T1 flag variable. Is a flag set within [[lithos]] or [[lithosp]] using the 'x' option Typically set to .025 (standard within the scripts for LITHOSP) * DOUBLE PRECISION FINV Reports the fraction of invisible pixels within the maplet/image intersection * DOUBLE PRECISION DPIC_DLOC(2,3) This subroutine computes the change in the image-space location (p,l) of a point (x,y,z) on a maplet as the point is moved in the maplet frame. Changed within [[LOC2PIX]] that is typically called from this subroutine. * DOUBLE PRECISION DIDH * DOUBLE PRECISION DJDH Rate of change for the position I and J in the picture Calcualted in this routine and reported back to who called it * INTEGER Z0(2) Center point to extract the data from the image. Defined in [[lithos]] and derived from IPL. Used in [[PICINPT]] and [[BRT1]] * INTEGER KK, ESZ * KK is a spacing parameter, which I think is based upon the maplet. * ESZ is the size of the array. Defined in [[lithos]]. Used in [[PICINPT]] and [[BRT1]] * INTEGER DN(-1300:1300,-1300:1300) The workspace of displayed DN for both the image and the maplet (template) Set in this subroutine. * REAL*4 DNX(-NTMP:NTMP,-NTMP:NTMP) '''The filled out data that we really want.''' Set in this routine. ---- [[categorySubroutine]]