= F3BBLOCK-16 (Fix number of images) = {{{ cd /SPC_Test/F3B-Number/ script date pwd ls -l cd test/ ls -l ls -l /usr/local/bin/residuals residuals 5 0.005 0.0002 awk '/0.0500 m/{print $1, $7}' MAPINFO.TXT > imnumber.txt cat imnumber.txt #Manually check this list and ensure all landmarks have at least 3 images #When there are less than three, manually add images to landmark awk '/PV/{print $1, $8}' PICINFO.TXT > lmnumber.txt cat lmnumber.txt #Manually check this list and ensure all images have at least 3 landmarks #When there are less than three, manually add new landmarks mv imnumber.txt lmnumber.txt log/5cm/ date exit mv typescript typeLog/typescriptImg5b }}}