== FITS Keywords == ||Category B ||Version 3.0.1 || === Description === This list shows the keyword that [[process-fits]] reads, the SPC variable it sets and a description explaining the setting. ||FITS Keyword ||Levels ||SPC Variable ||Description || ||BITPIX ||0/1 ||BITPIX ||This sets the flag in SPC for how many bits to treat the data. Everything is eventually converted into unsigned integer. For ORex, the level 0 data is 16. The camera is a 14-bit imager, but the SPOC will pad the leading bits to 0 to make it a simple unsigned 16-bit integer. IF a LUT (look-up-table) is used, the SPOC will convert the 8-bit LUT into the standard 16-bit integers. For level 1, it is set to -32, which is 32-bit signed. || ||DATE_OBS ||0/1 ||UTC0 ||The UTC time of the observation. This is converted within SPC via SPICE into ET, setting both ET0 and ET. || ||EXPTIME ||0/1 ||EXP ||The duration of the exposure. It is used to calculate the midpoint of the exposure. This is _ used for OREx. || ||SCLK_STR ||0/1 ||CLK0 and CKLUSE ||This is the spacecraft clock. If this value is set in the FITS headers, it is the primary time used to calculate the midpoint of the exposure. || ||NAXIS1 ||0/1 ||NPX ||Number of pixels wide (the x value) || ||NAXIS2 ||0/1 ||NLN ||Number of pixels tall (the y value) || ||CAMERAID ||0/1 ||CAM ||Which camera is being used. Values are 0-Map, 1-Sam, 2-Poly || ||MTR_POS ||0/1 ||FLT ||Defines the position of the PolyCam motor, which is used to calculate its focal position. For MapCam and SamCam, it provides the position of the filter wheel in degrees. || ||LUT ||0 ||LUT ||If LUT is defined, this tells what LUT was used on the spacecraft. No processing is done via SPC because the SPOC has already done it. This variable isn't used || ||MCFWHTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (1,1) ||MapCam temperature. The final algorithm has not been decided yet. However, the weighting of each temperature can be adjusted in the file [[DN2TEMP.TXT]]. This assumes a linear mixing of the four camera temperatures. Level 0 is in DN. Level 1 is in degrees C || ||MCFWMTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (1,2) ||see above || ||MCLENTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (1,3) ||see above || ||MCROETMP ||0/1 ||NTX (1,4) ||see above || ||SCFWHTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (2,1) ||SamCam temperature. The final algorithm has not been decided yet. However, the weighting of each temperature can be adjusted in the file [[DN2TEMP.TXT]]. This assumes a linear mixing of the four camera temperatures. Level 0 is in DN. Level 1 is in degrees C || ||SCFWMTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (2,2) ||see above || ||SCLENTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (2,3) ||see above || ||SCROETMP ||0/1 ||NTX (2,4) ||see above || ||PCFWHTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (3,1) ||PolyCam temperature. The final algorithm has not been decided yet. However, the weighting of each temperature can be adjusted in the file [[DN2TEMP.TXT]]. This assumes a linear mixing of the four camera temperatures. Level 0 is in DN. Level 1 is in degrees C || ||PCFWMTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (3,2) ||see above || ||PCLENTMP ||0/1 ||NTX (3,3) ||see above || ||PCROETMP ||0/1 ||NTX (3,4) ||see above || ||NCCHTEMP ||0 ||NTX (4,0) and NTX (4,1) ||NavCam temperature. || ||TCCHTEMP ||0 ||NTX (5,0) and NTX (5,1) ||TAGCam temperature || ||SC_QA ||0/1 ||QT(0) ||Quadterians. OREx will write the spacecraft pointing information, as of when the image was taken, into the FITS header. [[process_fits]] will output them in the file [[quaternions.txt]] in the format PICNM, QT(I), I=0,3 || ||SC_QX ||0/1 ||QT(1) ||see above || ||SC_QY ||0/1 ||QT(2) ||see above || ||SC_QZ ||0/1 ||QT(3) ||see above || ||BZERO ||0 ||DDN and SIGNED ||FORTRAN reads all integers as signed. Because the data is unsigned, then the DN values less than zero are converted into high-bit values. || ||INSTRUME ||0/1 ||INAME and NC ||Level 0 has OCAMS, so NC is set via CAMERAID-1. This is the name of the instrument in human-readable form. It sets the variable NC as follows: || ||INSTRUME ||NC ||Comment || ||MAP || ||N/A Because INSTRUME will be OCAMS || ||SAM || ||N/A Because INSTRUME will be OCAMS || ||POL || ||N/A Because INSTRUME will be OCAMS || ||NCM ||4 || ||NFT ||5 || ||OCAMS ||CAMERAID+1 || . /!\ The order of this is important because the camera number is the reference that SPC uses for camera ID within the configuration files [[make_sumfiles.txt]], [[DN2TEMP]], and [[FLATFIELD.TXT]]. ---------- CategoryThreeOhOne