Describe LOC2PIX here. SUBROUTINE LOC2PIX(PICNM,V,UX,UY,UZ,SCALE,DPIC_DLOC) Change in the image-space location basued upon maplet computed in the maplet frame. ---- * CHARACTER*12 PICNM Image name Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION V(3) Centeral vector to the spot you want the data Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION UX(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION UY(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION UZ(3) Normal place at that spot. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE Scale of the maplet Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION DPIC_DLOC(2,3) Slope at that point. Computed in this rotune. ---- categorySubroutine