processLRO-orig.f (Received on 10 Oct 2013, renamed 9 Jan 2014).
Flag "Bits == 16, not commented"
- Sets negative values to 0
- Stretches the values from 0 to 32767
processLRO.f - used to generate processLRO-nostretch
Flag "Bits == 16, commented"
- Allows 0 values
- Allows negative values (stores the exact signed integer from the source file)
- NEW_IMAGES -- located in working directory
Directory Structure
- kernels -- The kernels that are needed
- ck
- fk
- spk
- tspk
- naif0010.tls
- kernels -- The kernels that are needed
- working
- NEW_IMAGES -- The directory to hold the images. No subdirectories needed.
PROCESS_IMG.IN -- The configuration file used for LRO