20 Nov 2022
Technique by APL for putting landmarks on the limb and keeping the limb points part of the densify process.
1) Get the list of limb points -- standard limber or limbers 1) Use them directly or bin them (remember to use West Longitude) 1) Create a maplet on the limb even if you don't have any images. 1) Improve the height of the maplet in LITHOS when running "find_height", option 2
awk script to rebin things
# Eric E. Palmer - 20 Nov 2022 # This reads the output from latlonConvert -- (assumes E longitude # and fixes it # It builds the make_scriptT with a special that will creaet # a landmark that is only to be used for limb evaluation BEGIN { binSize=5 } // { lat = int(($2+2.5)/binSize) lon = int(-1 * ($1+2.5)/binSize) val=lat "," lon gridA [val] = 1 } END { print "LATLON" print "support/tile-limbs.seed" for (lat=-90; lat<=90; lat++) { for (lon=-360; lon<=360; lon++){ val=lat "," lon if ( gridA [val] == 1 ) print lat*binSize, lon*binSize } #for } print "END" }
LITHOS copy/paste find-height
# integrate 2 4 3 5 7 2 .01 0 .025 30 0 U 1
Tile seed
0.0010, 24 # Turn on auto-naming g # Load maplet- may not be needed i a n n # Load map and save m u 1 # Set limbs o r n 3 n 3 5 7 q END