= MAPTRANS = == Description == These tools will allow you to visualize individual maplet translations. == getMapl.sh == === Input Files === {X} '''''BEFORE running getMapl.sh, build a [[bigmap]] of the region you wish to study, and run [[residuals.e|RESIDUALS]]. [[USED_MAPS.TXT]] and [[MAPINFO.TXT]] need to be up to date. getMapl.sh should be run from your working directory.''''' Here's a sample input: {{{ sh getMapl.sh Input region name. (ex: TAG1) >TAG1 }}} === Output Files === . TAG1mapl.txt === Temp Files === . .o . .oo === Script File === {{{ File: getMapl.sh #!/bin/bash ######################## # USAGE: sh getMapl.sh # # # ######################## echo "Input region name. (ex: TAG1)" read ans file=$ans cp USED_MAPS.TXT .o sed '$d' .o > .oo list=`cat .oo` for i in $list do grep $i MAPINFO.TXT >> ${file}mapl.txt done rm .o .oo }}} == calTrans.sh == === Input Files === . /!\ This should also be run from your working directory, and requires the output file from getMapl.sh to be in that directory. Here's a sample input: {{{ sh calTrans.sh Input region name. (ex: TAG1) >TAG1 Input TAG1 mapinfo list. (ex: TAG1mapl.txt) >TAG1mapl.txt }}} === Output files === . TAG1.txt === Temp Files === . CompOBJ.out . fit . *.obj For each maplet within the [[bigmap]] that was created earlier, an .obj file is made. one at a time, and then delteted. === Script File === {{{ File: calTrans.sh #!/bin/bash ########################################## # USAGE: sh calTrans.sh # # # # N.B. You must have your region mapinfo # # file in your working directory. # ########################################## echo "Input region name. (ex: TAG1)" read ans1 file=$ans1 echo "Input $ans1 mapinfo list. (ex: TAG1mapl.txt)" read ans2 mapl=$ans2 list=`cat $mapl | cut -c -6` mv -f $file.txt old.$file.txt for i in $list do Maplet2FITS MAPFILES/$i.MAP fit FITS2OBJ --local fit $i.obj rm fit CompareOBJ --compute-optimal-translation $i.obj SHAPEFILES/shape3.4-truth.obj > CompOBJ.out rm $i.obj trans=`awk '/Translation/{print $2 " " $3 " " $4}' CompOBJ.out` coord=`grep $i $mapl | awk '{print $4 " " $5 " " $6}'` printf "\n$i $coord $trans" >> $file.txt done rm CompOBJ.out }}} == plotVectors.sh == === Input Files ==== . /!\ Run this from your working directory, and keep the output from calTrans.sh there too. Here's a sample input: {{{ sh plotVectors.sh Input region name. (ex: TAG1) >TAG1 Input view Scaling factor. (ex: 1.5) >1.5 }}} === Output Files === . TAG1xyzV[000:015:165].png . TAG1vec.gif === Temp Files === . pvTrans.gpi === Script File === {{{ File: plotVectors.sh #!/bin/bash ###################################### # USAGE: sh plotVectors.sh # # # # N.B. You must have the output from # # calTrans.sh in your working # # directory. # ###################################### echo "Input region name. (ex: TAG1)" read ans1 file=$ans1 echo "Input view scaling factor. (ex: 1.5)" read ans2 fac=$ans2 scale=0.00436 # Conversion from LON to m, change if r mag deviates from 0.25km # list='0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165' list2='000 015 030 045 060 075 090 105 120 135 150 165' arr=($list2) cnt=0 for i in $list do echo "set term x11" > pvTrans.gpi echo "unset key" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "unset border" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "unset xtics" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "unset ytics" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "unset ztics" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "scale="$scale >> pvTrans.gpi echo "fac="$fac >> pvTrans.gpi echo "set view 86,"$i",," >> pvTrans.gpi echo "splot '"$file".txt' using ((360-\$3)*scale):(\$2*scale):4:(\$5*fac):(\$6*fac):(\$7*fac) with vectors" >> $ echo " " >> pvTrans.gpi echo "set output '"$file"xyzV"${arr[$cnt]}".png'" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "set term png" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "replot" >> pvTrans.gpi echo "unset output" >> pvTrans.gpi gnuplot < pvTrans.gpi cnt=$(($cnt+1)) done rm pvTrans.gpi convert -delay 50 -loop 0 ${file}xyzV*.png ${file}vec.gif }}} ----------