Here is the MOSAICX Phase Wrapper. * Note that image info is read from meta files. {{{ # Aug 5 2018 - John R. Weirich # Run e.rawMOSAICXjrw for all bigmaps in MosaicList # Requires lots of directory setup # Run from $dir/working/ # Modified Nov 21 to work with RG2 and loop over images instead of over bigmaps # Usage : sh bigmap=$1 Img=$2 list=`cat $Img` echo "$bigmap" for i in $list do RtStr=`echo "$i" | cut -c3-11` SUMFILE="NP$RtStr" echo $SUMFILE lastFive=`echo $SUMFILE | cut -c6-` echo $lastFive echo $SUMFILE > MOSAICX.TXT echo "END" >> MOSAICX.TXT echo $bigmap > tinJRW grep scale NEW_IMAGES/$i\.IMG-meta | cut -c11- >> tinJRW grep " Offset:" NEW_IMAGES/$i\.IMG-meta | cut -c12- >> tinJRW echo "working on $i" ../bin/e.rawMOSAICXjrw < tinJRW mv -f raw.txt rawP-$bigmap.txt ascii2isis from=rawP-$bigmap.txt to=rawP-$bigmap.cub samples=1415 lines=1415 mv -f rawP* ../img-$lastFive/ # exit done }}}