Resolutions files If we need to "drill down" to a high resolution, then we need to do it at several steps. We will use the following steps: || Resolution || Code || || 5cm || 5 || || 2cm || 2 || || 1cm || 1 || || finalGSD/2 || 0 || For each *.IN file you have, the entire tile, iterate, clean process should be done. I.E. Do all the steps for 5cm, then for 2cm, then for 1cm and then for your final NFT feature ==== Setup for tiling ==== {{{ ID=00000 Res=5 logP=log/$ID$Res mkdir -p $logP echo nft=$ID > config/nftID echo res=$Res >> config/nftID checkVar $ID $Res $logP bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN #echo y | cp USED_MAPS.TXT log/$ID$Res/nftMapList-$ID$Res lsupport/nftMapList-${ID}W }}} ----- ==== Tiling ==== For width of 100 pixels, we are planning on a Q of 150 and a 5x5 maplet grid. {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP rm -f LMRKLIST1.TXT #JRW Comment: Should we use bigMapRef here? We do below for the high res artifact, so things shift around between the high and low artifacts. bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-$Res.IN cd MAPFILES $ID$Res.MAP XXXXXX.MAP cd .. echo XXXXXX | showmap convert XXXXXX.pgm $logP/low-$ID.jpg echo XXXXXX > tmp echo 0 0.0000${Res}999 >> tmp map_coverage < tmp convert coverage_m.pgm $logP/pre-$ID.jpg convert coverage_m.pgm 1.jpg }}} Check to make sure the coordinates are correct {{{ echo $ID$Res > MAPLIST.TXT echo END >> MAPLIST.TXT img=`head -2 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN | tail -1` echo $img > tmp echo n >> tmp Imager_MG < tmp convert TEMPFILE.pgm ~/send/$ID$Res.jpg echo $img > tmp echo y >> tmp echo 0 >> tmp echo n >> tmp echo n >> tmp Display < tmp convert TEMPFILE.pgm ~/send/$img.jpg }}} Build the tile file and run {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP echo N | make_tilefile > tmpOut echo XXXXXX > lsupport/ echo nftConfig/nftSeed-${ID}-${Res}.seed >> lsupport/bigmap_tile.IN sed 1d tmpOut >> lsupport/ lsupport/ echo "Begin Tiling" >> notes echo "ID=$ID" >> notes echo "Res=$Res" >> notes make_scriptT ls }}} {{{ nohup sh run_script.b finished tiling-done }}} Check {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP echo XXXXXX > tmp echo 0 0.0000${Res}999 >> tmp map_coverage < tmp convert coverage_m.pgm $logP/post-$ID.jpg echo ${ID}A > tmpRun cat nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-$Res.IN>> tmpRun bigMapRef < tmpRun echo XXXXXX | showmap convert XXXXXX.pgm $logP/high-$ID.jpg score=`tail -2 SIGMAS.TXT | head -1 | cut -c 23-30` mScore=`echo "scale=2; $score * 1000" | bc | cut -c -4` convert SIGMAS.pgm -fill white -gravity North -pointsize 15 -annotate +0+10 Max:${mScore}m $logP/sig-$ID.jpg cp LMRKLIST1.TXT nftConfig/list-$ID-$Res.txt nft.$ID }}} -------- ---- -------- == ROI Iterate over new maplets (Note: Uses LMRKLIST1.TXT) == {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP echo "Getting ready for iteration $ID-$Res" >> notes date >> notes echo $ID$Res | tee -a notes echo ${ID}A > tmpRun cat nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-$Res.IN>> tmpRun cat tmpRun >> notes bigMapRef < tmpRun tail -2 SIGMAS.TXT | head -1 | tee -a notes echo y | cp -v LMRKLIST1.TXT LIST.TXT duplicates scripts/Piterate1St.seed make_scriptP.seed | tee -a notes ls -l make_scriptP.seed >> notes MAKE_LMRKLISTX make_scriptP | tee echo "Running iteration at " `date` >> notes sh }}} Settings * Turn OFF local loop * Leave OFF Register and Geometry * Turn ON email * Turn ON terminate * Start deamon {{{ monitor }}} {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP bigMapRef < tmpRun echo "Post run Sigma" >> notes tail -2 SIGMAS.TXT | head -1 | tee -a notes }}} {{{ checkVar $ID $Res $logP echo 2 | nft.$ID sh rem_script.b }}}