= Notes on Gravity = == Description == (From email 7 September, 2012) In the gravity folder there is a routine called [[Sgrav]]. It makes a file called [[SGRAV.TXT]] that is like [[SHAPE.TXT]] but with extra columns for surface acceleration, potential and laplacian (just as a check). This is for a non-rotating body with GM=1. Then [[Sacc]], [[Spot]], [[Sslp]] and [[Selv]] compute the surface acceleration, potential, slope and elevation (above geoid) for the body with the correct GM and omega. [[Selv]] also makes the geoid file. The main subroutine is [[GRAVITY]]. It computes the gravity at any point in space, inside, outside or on the surface. I used it in my trajectory integration program for landing on Eros. [[GLATLON]] is a special program I wrote for someone who wanted various information for points on Eros. You can see how [[GRAVITY]] is used there. There are five subroutines called by gravity called D1-D5 that subdivide the surface elements if your point of interest is too near to a facet. Essentially it mimics a recursive call since you can't do that in FORTRAN. ----------