##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki = WIKI for Bob Gaskell's StereoPC = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == General Info == This is an attempt to document of some of the key programs and support files for Stereo Photoclinometry. I've been taking pretty good notes, and I thought we could all share and benefit from what we each have learned. If you figure something out (or get help from Bob himself), be sure to post it. If you need help with the wiki, let me know (or just send me the info). * [[General_Parameters]] - Resolution scale, etc. * [[Questions_to_ask]] - When I talk to Bob, these are things I am wondering * [[Table_of_Contents_For_User's_Manual]] - We will come up with a table of contents for OSIRIS SPC. Here is where I will be putting my notes. Other's with suggestions are welcome. [[User Manual Author's Task List]] * [[Training_Notes]] - Eric's notes for what to introduce and how * [[SPC_V_and_V_testing]] - Directions and guideline for testing * [[http://sbib.psi.edu/wiki_ext/refman.pdf|SPOC v3.02A PDF]] * [[http://sbib.psi.edu/wiki_ext/html/|SPOC v3.02A html directory]] * [[Error_evaluation]] - How to evaluate things for error and consistancy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Versions == * 1.0 -- Initial version of SPC * 2.0 -- Version of SPC with the Common library created * 2.1A7 -- This is the baseline version of Gaskell's software. I has gone under SubComponent testing * 3.0A0 -- These have changed required in SPC to finish the SubComponent testing. It changed [[regress]], [[process_fits]] and [[geometry]] * 3.0A1 -- Released by Bob in support of Dawn @ Ceres * 3.0A1a -- Minor changes * 3.0A2 -- [[process_fits]] that supports NavCam * 3.1 -- (in progress) Will have all code improvements from Rosetta and include Polar Wobble. Will receive regression testing. * [[configure_control]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Work Flow == === Procedures for Bennu === * [[Bennu_Initial_Setup]] * [[Bennu_PROCESS_FITS]] * [[Bennu_make_sumfiles]] * [[Bennu_REGISTER]] * [[Bennu_LatLonTiling]] === Building Landmarks === * [[Making_new_landmarks]] - Workflow from the 50m resolution work done for Dawn at Vesta * [[Basic_tiling]] - The core procedures for tiling a [[bigmap]] * [[Basic Tiling - Achieving the Desired Maplet Overlap]] - The bigmap.in file parameters to achieved the desired maplet overlap percentage. * [[LatLon_tiling]] - Tiling using Lat/Lon. Used for the initial sets of landmarks * [[Export_Import]] - Build landmarks on other machines and export them and import them === Test Procedure === * [[How To - F3 Test Procedure]] * [[Standard_iteration ]] - Runs [[lithosP]] * [[Adding new images]] - How to run [[autoregister]] * [[Building a shape model]] - How to run [[densify]] === Problems === * [[Fill_procedure]] -- Replace current topography with shape or bigmap. Fixes problems * [[Fixing_problem_landmarks]] -- Techniques to deal with landmarks that don't work well * [[When to Fix Landmarks]] - When? * [[Basic Procedure]] -- Simple way to fix landmarks using [[lithos]] that usually works. * [[Aligning to a Single Image]] -- What to do if initial image alignment shows no to very miniscule correlation. * [[Manually Moving An Image]] -- What to do when some images (that you want/need to use for building template) won't auto correlate. * [[Poor topography]] -- What to do when the topography is too poor for any alignment. * [[LITHOSP crashes]] -- How to recover without starting over * Obsolete [[Small_Footprint_Processing]] - Lets you do tiling copying only the files that you need for the specific task. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Scripts - from AAA.TXT == * [[Vesta_Notes]] * [[Startup]] * [[LAT/LON_Shape]] * [[Triaxial_Shape]] * [[Batches]] * [[Autoregister]] * [[Parallel_Autoregister]] * [[Parallel_Batch]] * [[Batch Tiling: See make_scriptT.txt]] * [[Geometry_and_Residuals]] * [[Pole]] * [[Export]] * [[Import]] * [[Export,_External_Iteration]] * [[Import,_External_Iteration]] * [[Gravity]] * [[Fill]] - Take topography from a bigmap and replace a landmark's terrain with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Fun Tools == * [[Support Tools]] - useful tools that aid the SPC process * [[updateDisplay]] - aid for landmark/maplet visualization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Programs == === Lithos === * [[lithos]] - aligns maplets to the current shape model and will provide slight changes to the shape (stored in MAPFILES) * [[lithosP]] - A version of [[lithos]] intended to be used in batch processing (i.e. run in parallel) * [[geometry]] - figures out a surface based on landmarks * [[residuals.e]] - figures out a surface based on landmarks * [[register]] - aligns a new image with a reference, manually * [[autoregister]] - adds groups of landmarks to an image * [[autoregisterP]] - adds groups of landmarks to an image using parallel processing * [[blemishes]] - masks regions of an image which contain blemishes due to, for example, downlink errors, bad pixels, or a cosmic ray hit. * [[convert]] * [[make_sumfiles]] * [[dynamics]] === Imager === * [[map_coverage.e]] - shows the coverage that has been processed by resolution * [[coverage.e]] - shows the '''global''' coverage that has been processed by resolution * [[image_map_mono.e]] - * [[image_map_rgb.e]] - Renders a 3D image of a bigmap using red and blue * [[image_map_stereo.e]] - * [[view_shape.e]] - The generates a point-of-view image of the shape model * [[panaroma.e]] - Makes a 360 degree panaroma image from a big map * [[surface_imager.e]] - Makes an image using a surface point of view from a big map * [[display.e]] - Appears to generate an image that shows the location of landmarks on it * [[mosaic]] - Creates a mosaic of images registered to the shape model * [[Imager_MG]] - How to make images from maplets === Shaper === * [[bigmap]] - processes maplets to form a bigmap * [[spheremapB.e]] - This reads the Zmap files and makes the resulting map line by line. * [[update_infiles.e]] - generates a list of landmarks and headers for showing coverage * [[shape_info]] - generates DTM information === Utilities === * [[duplicates]] - Generates the make_script.in file to accompany [[make_scriptP]], comprising an ordered list of unique landmark names. * [[find_nofit]] - searches batch processing output files to identify landmarks or images which may need further work. * [[export.e]] - builds scripts to package up the new maplets/landmarks into a tar ball * [[importL.e]] - builds script to unpack maplets/landmarks and integrate into a master directory * [[make_lmrklistX]] - generates [[LMRKLISTX]] * [[Script Makers Overview]] - User guide for the script-maker program suite * [[make_scriptA]] - generates the script that batch auto registers images using [[autoregister]] * [[make_scriptAP]] - generates the script for batch autoregistering images using parallel processing using [[autoregisterP]] * [[make_scriptF]] - generic script maker for user-generated batch processing jobs. * [[make_scriptP]] - generates the script for iterating landmarks using [[lithosP]] * [[make_scriptR]] - generates the script that batch registers images using [[register]] * [[make_scriptT]] - generates the script that tiles (makes new maplets) using [[lithos]] * [[refresh_sumfiles.e]] - updates the sumfiles to match the maplets * [[showmap.e]] - generates an image (.pgm) for a specific bigmap * [[pr_template]] - (copy the codes for when making a new prog page) * [[make_pictlistX]] - Builds the file [[PICTLISTX.TXT]] which makes things run faster * [[process_img]] - Takes a list of files and creates make_sumfiles.in. Creates IMAGEFILE for each images * [[make_sumfiles]] - Computes the SUMFILE and NOMINALS * [[make_tilefile]] - Generates the pixel/line maplet-center locations required to complete the tiling of a bigmap. === Gravity === [[Notes_on_Gravity]] * [[Mgrav.e]] - Makes [[MGRAV.TXT]] and generates gravity images based on a map or bigmap. * [[Sgrav.e]] - Makes a file called [[SGRAV.TXT]] that is like SHAPE.TXT but with extra columns for surface acceleration, potential and laplacian (just as a check). Based on a shape model. This is for a non-rotating body with GM=1. * [[Sacc.e]] - Provided the correct GM and Omega, it will use [[SGRAV.TXT]] file to create the surface acceleration. * [[Selv.e]] - Provided the correct GM and Omega, it will use [[SGRAV.TXT]] file to create the surface elevation (same as geoid). * [[Slap]] - Provided the correct GM and Omega, it will use [[SGRAV.TXT]] file to create the surface laplacian. * [[Spot.e]] - Provided the correct GM and Omega, it will use [[SGRAV.TXT]] file to create the surface potential. * [[Sslpa.e]] - ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Directories == * [[BIGFILES]] - Directory for BIGMAP LMK files * [[DATA]] - A place for the SPICE kernels * [[IMAGEFILES]] - Directory that holds the image files, .DAT * [[LMKFILES]] - Stores the actual landmarkts, .LMK * [[MAPFILES]] - Stores the maplets, .MAP * [[NEW_IMAGES]] - Directory that holds the new, and unprocessed image files (in pgm format) * [[NOMINALS]] - Directory that holds the sum files, .NOM * [[SHAPEFILES]] - Holds the different types of shapefiles * [[SUMFILES]] - Directory that holds the sum files, .SUM * [[TESTFILES]] - Directory to store display files generated during batch processing jobs. * [[TESTFILES1]] - Directory to store display files generated during batch processing jobs. * [[UTILITIES]] - Programs that are specific for this project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Key Input Files === * [[LMRKLIST.TXT]] - The full list of landmarks * [[LMRKLIST1.TXT]] * [[LMRKLISTR.TXT]] * [[LMRKLISTO.TXT]] * [[LMRKLISTX.TXT]] * [[PICTLIST.TXT]] - List of the images that are in the system * [[PICTLISTS.TXT]] - User-generated alternative list of images used by [[residuals]] and [[geometry]] * [[PICTLISTX.TXT]] - List of the images that are in the system with precomputed metadata. * [[BIGLIST.TXT]] - List of mapfiles (bigmaps) used to make a new bigmap. Generated from [[bigmap.e]] * [[NEWFILES.TXT]] * [[OVERLAPS.TXT]] * [[SGRAV.TXT]] - produced from [[Sgrav.e]]. Similar to SHAPE.TXT with extra columns for surface acceleration, potential and laplacian (just as a check). * [[MGRAV.TXT]] - produced by [[Mgrav.e]]. It contains vector position, potential, acceleration, slope and delta elevation. * [[SHAPE.TXT]] - The shape model of the object. Done is 3 column format of vertex using x, y, z coordinates * [[GEOID.TXT]] - gives the geoid in X, Y, Z position. A 3 column file. * [[SHAPEC.TXT]] - gives the height above the surface. A 4 column file. * [[MOSAIC.TXT]] - A list of images that [[mosaic]] uses to build a moasic * [[make_sumfiles.in]] - List of new images to process * [[make_sumfiles.txt]] - SPICE references * [[IFRAME.TXT]] - Converts to J2000 * [[INIT_LITHOS.TXT]] * [[SEEDS]] * [[SEEDS (by mission)]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Output Files === * [[check.txt]] - List of landmarks and overlaps output by [[residuals]] for landmarks whose linear residual is greater than the user-specified limit. * [[EMPTY.TXT]] - [[lithos]] seed file output by [[residuals]] for batch deletion of landmarks which are not contained in any pictures or limbs. * [[FLATLIST.TXT]] - List of flat maps (landmarks containing no topography) output by [[residuals]]. * [[LIMINFO.TXT]] - Limb information output by [[residuals]]. * [[LMKVECS.TXT]] - Landmark vectors output by [[residuals]] for every landmark contained in [[LMRKLIST.TXT]]. * [[MAPCHK.TXT]] - List of maplets whose difference between predicted and observed pixel/line locations in attached images is greater than a user-specified limit, or who have two or fewer overlaps attached to them, output by [[residuals]]. * [[MAPRES.TXT]] - Maplet resolution information for maplets contained in at least one picture or limb, output by [[residuals]]. * [[New_Limbs.in]] - [[lithos]] seed file output by [[residuals]] to attach map to limbs for every landmark contained in [[LMRKLIST.TXT]]. * [[NEW_LIST.TXT]] - List output by [[find_nofitT]] of new landmarks created during batch [[make_scriptT]] tiling. * [[no_update.txt]] - List of landmarks output by residuals whose associated pictures are not listed by increasing mission time in the .LMK file. * [[PRUNE.TXT]] - List of landmarks for which the number of pictures in which they are contained exceeds the default limit of 500, or the user-specified limit, PRNLM, set within [[INIT_LITHOS.TXT]]. File output by [[residuals]]. * [[RANGES_SOLVED.TXT]] - Date and range information output by [[residuals]] for each picture listed in [[PICTLISTS.TXT]] or [[PICTLIST.TXT]]. * [[redo.txt]] - List of landmarks output by [[find_nofit]] or [[find-nofitP]] which after batch [[lithos]] or [[lithosP]] processing either terminated in error, did not correlate with at least one image, or correlated weakly with at least one image. * [[REMOVED.TXT]] - List of landmarks output by [[find_nofit]] which after batch [[register]], [[autoregister]], or [[autoregisterP]] processing were eliminated from at least one picture due to low or no correlation. * [[veto.txt]] - [[lithos]] seed file output by [[residuals]] to detach from landmarks and limbs a map with a linear residual greater than the user-specified limit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Key Diagnostic Files == * [[RESIDUALS.TXT]] - Errors within the map and images * [[INSIDE.TXT]] - Only the maps that are inside of the most recent bigmap created * [[USED_MAPS.TXT]] - All maps used when making a bigmap * [[USED_PICS.TXT]] - All images used when making a bigmap * [[PICINFO.TXT]] - List all the images and parameters about them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Support Files == . Usually these files are used to run batch jobs or scripts. * [[make_script.in]] - Used by various script-makers for batch jobs. * [[make_scriptA.seed]] - Seed file for [[make_scriptA]], the script-maker for batch autoregistering new images. * make_scriptF.in? seed? - * [[make_scriptP.seed]] - Seed file for [[make_scriptP]], the script-maker for iterating landmarks using [[lithosP]]. * [[make_scriptR.seed]] - Seed file for [[make_scriptR]], the script-maker for batch registering new images. * [[make_scriptT.in]] - Used by [[make_scriptT]] to build [[run_script.b]] * [[MAPTRANS]] - Diagnostic tools to visualize maplet translations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == SPC Lessons == * [[Lesson 1]] * Gain familiarity with file structure * Process new images to use in solution ([[convert]]/PROCESS_IMG) * [[display.e]] an image for context * Make [[SUMFILES]] and [[NOMINALS]] (make_sumfiles) * Run [[dynamics]] * [[register]] a couple images * [[Lesson 2]] * Generate a maplet with specific parameters * Then tile maplet with overlapping better resolution maplets * [[Lesson 3]] * Process more images and tile a maplet (3-4 hours) * [[Lesson 4]] * AUTOREGISTER, Create Bigmap from 0.4 pm/px maps, set up batch run tiling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Papers and Presentations == * [[LPSC 20??]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Deprecated == * [[view_maps.in]] - A list of all the maplets to be used in [[view_maps.e]]. The first line isn't read. The file should be terminated with "END" * [[view_maps.e]] - This will do "paper mache" of all the maplets listed in [[view_maps.in]]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Help == Contact me with questions. Email: <> Links to wiki formatting and help https://moinmo.in/HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax * [[Test_Files]] - I'm going to store the scripts here for the testing proceedures ---- CategoryHomepage