= PDS2BIG = * This is a program R. Gaskell wrote to ingest a PDS IMG DTM into a bigmap. Was written specifically for LRO products such as the type found [[http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_rdr/NAC_DTM_ALDROVANDI|here]]. * Requires a MAPFILES directory one level down from the directory with the IMG DTM Example of terminal with input and output {{{ aldrovandiStart$ ~/X-files/source/PDS2BIG.e InputIMG file NAC_DTM_ALDROVANDI_E256N0291.IMG Input 6 character BIGMAP name TEST07 Input ltd, elng (deg) 26.160 29.075 scale, qsz, R0 .01 650 1737.4 3222 11963 12888 1737.40 6064.67 24.58 26.55 28.81 29.40 }}} From above, showing only the input values {{{ NAC_DTM_ALDROVANDI_E256N0291.IMG TEST07 26.160 29.075 .01 650 1737.4 # GSD of final bigmap in kilometers, Q of final bigmap, body radius (Bob used Lunar Datum, not sure how much you can deviate from this) }}} == Troubleshooting == If you are getting this error... {{{ Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG }}} check lat and lon to make sure at least some of the IMG pixels are present in the locations you've specified.