== Standard Process of States == These are the states that a DTM goes through on its way to being perfected for a specific resolution. The state defines the quality of processing that has gone on. It does not describe all the steps that is needed to get there. That is because many steps need to be done multiple times (such as building and loading an updated shape model). Errors and problems in the data will make each DTM different in terms of what is needed to achieve the state. || Tiled || Tiled means that the DTM has undergone the basic stages of [[latlon-tiling]] or [[bigmap_tiling]]. This does not have any additional processing, just the batch mode.|| || Correlated' |||| Correlated means that all the landmarks of the DTM are indicating a correlation score (above 0.0000). This means they do not throw the "*" error for [[find_nofitP]]. || || Imaged || Imaged means that there are at least 5 images for every landmark. While 3 is the minimum, 5 is needed to have a robust DTM that accounts for error. If there are not 5, then a lower number is acceptable; however, it can never be less than 3.|| || Fitted || Fitted means that there are no maplets with more than 10 "nofits". No Fit errors are thrown when [[overlaps]] is unable to match two maplets that should overlap. This means that there are too many differences between the two maplets for SPC to find common ground. It is common for there to be a few maplets that are missing one or two of their connections with other maplets. || || Geometry || Run basic [[geometry]] with option 2 to update the spacecraft position and camera vector. You should iterate at least once after. || || Residualed || Residualed indicates that errors thrown by [[residuals]]. Any errors that are marked by ">>" have been corrected. Typically, you would run [[geometry]] with option 2 before running [[residuals]]. The standard input for this level is: 5 5x GSD GSD. You may choose looser values to get a smaller list first. 5 pixels -- image (or maplet) pixels. How close they are. 5x GSD, ground sample distance, 5 times the resolution of the maplets. GSD, ground sample distance || || Re-tiled || Re-tiled means that the DTM has any holes filled in. For the global scale, use [[coverage]] and look for where the missing maplets are. [[ZMaps]] can be used if available. For local scale, build a [[bigmap]] and look for regions where the maplets were deleted. You can build them missing ones by hand, or you can run the [[bigmap_tiling]] procedure. || || Sigma'ed || A DTM created by [[densify]] or [[bigmap]] will have a sigma values, shown by [[SIGMAS.TXT]]. All peaks are reduced to < 2xGSD and the average is