[[Test_Files]] make_scriptA - removes the 1st char, but then can't run it (can't find the SUM) = Questions I have = What are the dependencies and use. Some programs will use different versions if present. That would be good to know. !!! When do I need LMRKLISTX? What happens if I don't have it? === Really need info === * LIST.TXT * PICTLIST.TXT * PICTLISTX.TXT * LIMBLIST.TXT * LIMBLIST1.TXT - historical reasons. Has nothing to do with limbs. (created by MAKE_LIST) * LIMBEX.TXT * LMRKLIST.TXT * LMRKLISTR.TXT (Autoregister, Regress, densify, densifyA, spheremapsA) * LMRKLISTX.TXT (Autoregister, Geometry, LithosP, bigmap, bigmapL, density, densifyA, make_lmrklistX) * LMRKLISTO.TXT Gives 5 bells and makes sure you want to use this. "Only" You don't have any overlaps outside of the list. (Lithos, LithosP, overlaps, point2maps, replicate_lmfile, map_coverage) * LMRKLIST0.TXT (create_lmfile, delete_lmfile, replicate_lmfile) * LMRKLIST1.TXT (Create_lmfile, delete_lmfile, replicate_lmfile, export) === Reasonable Obvious === * NEWLIST.TXT * MAPLIST.TXT