== Data set == {{attachment:EE0047_sc_plot.png}} {{attachment:EE0047_sun_plot.png}} == Transits == {{attachment:TEST11R_NS.png}} {{attachment:TEST11R_EW.png}} The boulder height never goes above the truth. A tilt is present from the first iteration and never gets removed. == Heat Maps (x and y is in units of pixels, z is deviation from truth and has units of meters) == {{attachment:out2R-001.png}} {{attachment:out2R-010.png}} Iteration 1 and 10: {{attachment:out2R-020.png}} {{attachment:out2R-030.png}} Iteration 20 and 30: {{attachment:out2R-050.png}} {{attachment:out2R-075.png}} Iteration 50 and 75: {{attachment:out2R-100.png}} Iteration 100: