Jan 2014. I am beginning a suite of testing for the OSIRIS-REx project. The first part is to conduct unit level testing (or for OSIRIS-REx's requirements, subcomponent). We start with * 99,193 landmarks * 4,899 image files Status * Script * Data * Output == Answer to check against == [[Questions]] - Hey, Bob! What is this? == Answer to check against == - [[Files]] - [[Test_Procedures]] ----- = Key Modules = == Bennu specific Setup == - 1.1 [[do_process_img]] Must be Bennu specific. Need MapCam, NavCam and PolyCam - 1.2 PolyCam process_fits - 1.3 NavCam process_fits ----- = Dawn = == Dawn-base == - Bring in images and update * 7.1 [[do_make_sumfiles]] - Script, Data, Output * 7.2 [[do_make_pictlistX]] - Script, Data, Output - 7.3 [[do_pole]] - Script, Data, Output (Long lunch, large change) == Dawn-partial == - 2.3 [[do_register]] - Script, Data, Output - 2.4 [[do_dynamics]] - Script, Data, Output - (large output) - 2.6 [[do_coverage_p]] - Script, Data, Output - (get lunch) - Autoregister sequence * 2.7 [[do_autoregister]] - Script, Data, Output * 2.5 [[do_make_list]] - Script, Data, Output - Batch autoregister sequence * 2.8 [[do_make_scriptA]] - Script, Data, Output * 2.12 [[run_make_scriptA]] - Script, Data, Output - Batch parallel autoregister * 2.9 [[do_make_scriptAP]] - Script, Data, Output * 2.13 [[run_make_scriptAP]] - Script, Data, Output - Batch Register * 2.10 [[do_make_scriptR]] - Script, Data, Output * 2.14 [[run_make_scriptR]] - Script, Data, Output -- *** (Data do not support batch mode) - 2.11 [[do_blemishes]] - Script, Data, Output == Dawn-image == This state has several LAMO images ingested into the system. There are no new landmarks. The shape model is well defined and stable. There are no specific bigmaps for the test region. - 3.1 [[lithos_create]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.2 [[do_bigmap]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.3 [[do_showmap]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.4 [[do_spheremapB]] - Script, Data, Output - (Get some coffee) - 3.5 [[do_display]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.6 [[do_make_tilefile]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.10 [[lithos_tuck]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.11 [[do_bigmapL]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.12 [[do_maketiles]] - Script, Data, Output - 3.13 [[do_maketilesP]] - Script, Data, Output == Dawn-land == This state has a single landmark defined, TEST01. It is in the center of our testing region, based to show details of the pits within Marcia crater. It has HAMO and LAMO images already connected to the landmark and aligned. No overlaps or updated topography. Heights are from an existing bigmap. Notes: lithos update is done for most lithos commands. It will not be explicitly tested because saving the data is required for most of the tests. - 4.1 [[lithos_delete]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.2 [[lithos_find_images]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.3 [[lithos_change_resolution]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.4 [[lithos_build_template]] - Script, Data, Output - Shift - These are paired in sequence * 4.5 [[lithos_manually_shift]] - Script, Data, Output * 4.6 [[lithos_auto_correlate]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.7 [[lithos_exclude_by_correlation]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.8 [[lithos_exclude_automatically]] - Script, not data, Output - 4.9 [[lithos_manual_exclude]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.10 [[lithos_no_exclude]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.11 [[lithos_heights_from_map]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.12 [[lithos_heights_from_shape]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.13 [[lithos_normal_from_height]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.14 [[lithos_normal_from_shape]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.16 [[do_map_coverage]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.17 [[lithos_overlaps]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.18 [[lithos_build_terrain]] - Script, Data, Output - 4.19 [[lithos_complex_overlap]] - Script, Data, Output == Dawn-land360 == This contains 361 maplets that tiles REFMAP. It only has the processing done for doing the batch tiling procedures. The goal for this stage is developing mature topography. - 5.1 [[do_duplicates]] - Script, Data, Output - 5.2 [[do_make_lmrklistx]] - Script, Data, Output - Do parallel processing - LONG (1/2 day) * 5.3 [[do_make_scriptP]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.4 [[run_lithosP]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.5 [[do_find_nofitP]] - Script, Data, Output - Work on export/import - LONG (1/2 day) * 5.7 [[do_export]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.8 [[do_import]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.9 [[do_make_scriptF]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.10 [[run_make_scriptF]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.11 [[do_find_nofit]] - Script, Data, Output - Group for doing tiles - LONG (1/2 day) * 5.12 (was 3.7) [[do_make_scriptT]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.13 (was 3.8) [[run_make_scriptT]] - Script, Data, Output * 5.14 (was 3.9) [[do_find_nofitT]] - Script, Data, Output == Dawn-Topo == This contains a full suite of tiles for REFMAP (360 maplets). It has been well processed and has fully developed topography. - Making shape files * 6.2 [[do_dumber]] (yes, do this one first) Script, Data, Output * 6.1 [[do_densify]] Script, Data, Output - (Get lunch) * 6.10 [[do_densifyA]] - Script, Data, Output - (Get lunch) * 6.9 [[do_dumber_with_A]] - Script, Data, Output - 6.4 [[do_geometry]] - Script, Data, Output (large change) - 6.5 [[do_residuals]] - Script, Data, Output - 6.6 [[do_regress]] - Script, Data ********* Failure - 6.7 [[do_shape_info]] - Script, Data, Output