== General description == * V2IMGPL determines pixel/line location of a landmark in image PICNM. * Vector to Image Pixel/Line ---- SUBROUTINE V2IMGPL(V,V0,PICNM,NPX,NLN,MMFL,CTR,KMAT,D, CX,CY,CZ, USE,IMGPL) ---- * DOUBLE PRECISION V(3) Vector -- body fixed position of the position you want to map onto the image. This is typically coming from the maplet's I and J position converted into vector space. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION V0(3) Vector -- body fixed position from spacecraft to the body center (i.e. SCOBJ). Passed in but usually is read from SUMFILES. * CHARACTER*12 PICNM Image name. This is needed because this subroutine calls [[GETMM]] which needs the image name to decide how to apply the distortion matrix. [[GETMM]] reads [[INIT_LITHOS.TXT]] and looks for the image name structure, typically the first few characters, to decide which [[INIT_LITHOS.TXT]] distortion parameter to use. Passed in. * INTEGER NPX * INTEGER NLN Number of pixels and lines for the image. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION MMFL Focal Length of the image. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION CTR(2) Center of the image's detector. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION KMAT(2,3) Distortion matrix. Passed in. * DOUBLE PRECISION D(4) Distortion parameters. Read in from SUMFILES as DISTORTION if available. * DOUBLE PRECISION CX(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION CY(3) * DOUBLE PRECISION CZ(3) Camera's vector. Passed in. * LOGICAL USE Flag that the image covers the maplet. Set in this subroutine. * DOUBLE PRECISION IMGPL(2) This sets IMGPL to be the pixel and line position of V (the passed in vector) within the image. It is in image pixel/line space. Set in this subroutine. '''This is the main point of this routine''' ---- categorySubroutine