
= Overview =

3.6 This reads coverage_m.pgm and figures out where more tiles are needed.

Output will be exact (diff)

= Input - stdin =

Question for creating the landmarks going up numerically or down.


= Output =

It created the file coverage.pgm using the independently tested routine map_coverage.pgm. Then it read in the file and outputs a list of locations (x/y) that need new landmarks. The output is standard output, so it is listed in fullRun.txt and log.txt

(note, the output must be fed into a file, which will become make_scriptT.in; however, it will not have the bigmap or seed at the top

      50   50
     100   50
     150   50
     200   50
     250   50
     300   50
     350   50
     400   50
     450   50
     500   50
     550   50
     600   50
     900  950
     950  950

do_make_tilefile (last edited 2015-05-06 11:15:24 by localhost)