[[Test_Files]] = Overview = The uses all the images, specifically the SUMFILE, to determine the pole of the object. You provide the time that you want the pole's RA/Dec. You can also solve for the rotational speed (w). It will create the file POLE.TXT and updates all the landmarks and maplets (due to a different polar alignment) = Input = * POLE.TXT * LMKLIST.TXT {{{ /usr/local/bin/POLE 1996-12-18T12:28:28 y }}} = Log = {{{ ~/Dropbox/src/spocCurr/bin/POLE Input epoch UTC0 2012-04-28 14:28 Fix W? (y/n) n }}} = Output = {{{ }}} List of files: -------------------- Bob notes Describe do pole here. Recently updated. reads all the pictures in PICTLIST and landmarks in LMKLIST.TXT Choice, solve for rotation rate (or not) Keep iterating. 1st, asks for epoch. Give a UTC in the vicinity (Dec 2011). Fixed W (rotation rate). At first, light curve data is better, so let others define it. Follows those landmarks as the pictures rotation. Finds rotation and landmark position in body fixed frame. (uses some algebra trick) Converges in 2 iterations. Two possibilites (solve for Ra/Dec/Rate) (solve for Ra/Dec)