[[Test_Files]] = Overview = 3.4 SpheremapB reads in the current shape model and uses it to calculate gravity and albedo data (2D grids and images) for a specific bigmap region. = Input = {{{ /usr/local/bin/spheremapB 10.429 191 0.050 500 500 265 70 sample c 10 a 0 0 0 n 60 n }}} = Output = Output should be exact (diff) This created a suite of data files for a bigmap (REFMAP). It created a raw (simple binary file) of a 2D matrix for the scaled albedo (sample_ALB) and the topography (DTM). It also created images (pgm format) of the albedo, topography and color scaled topography. {{{ /Users/epalm#/osiris/working$ ~/bin/spheremapsB.e input ltd (deg), elon (deg), scale (km/px), half-sizes (px/ln), ref radius (km), tolerance (km) 10.429 169.196 0.005 500 500 265 50 input map name sample a. orthographic b. stereographic c. equirectangular c Enter reference latitude 0 a. 8 bit DTM b. 16 bit DTM a Enter i,j,h map shift (m) (eg map-lola) 0 0 0 10.109395337649858 20.857825073993354 Fix hmin, hmax? (y/n) n Set max slope (deg) 60 Lat/Lon markings? (y/n) n }}} * Albedo {{attachment:sample_ALB.jpg}} * Color DTM {{attachment:sample_COL.jpg}} * Greyscale DTM {{attachment:sample_DTM.jpg}}