= OMEGA = ||Category ?||Version 3.0|| == Description == This program calculates the angular velocity of a body's rotation by using the position of landmarks in subsequent images. The images should be at least roughly registered ([[REGISTER]]) before starting. The pointing and spacecraft position is originally determined in body-fixed space from a nominal .pck file. Then they are transformed back to inertial space. If V is the vector of a landmark at time = 0 (PICNM0) then the inertial space vector V' at time = t (PICNM1) is given by V' = Vcos(a) +(AxV)sin(a)/a +A(A.V)(1-cos(a))/a^2 where A is the inertial space vector OMEGA x t and a is its magnitude with OMEGA = angular velocity. The program solves for A, for an offset of image PICNM1 due to relative pointing errors and for the inertial space landmark positions at t=0. Many iterations (~100) are required for convergence (but it is very fast) and OMEGA is printed both as an inertial space vector and in RA, DEC,|OMEGA| in deg and deg/da. === Required Files === * [[POLE.TXT]] which has an initial guess for the RA/DEC of omega and its magnitude in deg/da. * [[PICTLIST.TXT]] * [[LMRKLIST.TXT]] === Inputs === * The image name of two images that have some common landmarks in them * Option to do additional iterations * Option to update the SCOBJ and C vectors in the [[SUMFILES]] === Outputs === * _ROT.TXT - Log of the translation of each common landmark from inertial to body-fixed frame. * Standard out - showing * Omega value * RA/DEC calculated for the angular momentum vector, as well as the rotate rate in degrees per day * the difference in time between the two image (in ET) ---------- == Using OMEGA == Here is a sample of the standard input: {{{ $ omega Input PICNM0 P601293196F2 Input PICNM1 P601293203F2 OMEGA: 0.10196E-04 0.17130E-03 -0.36799E-03 ALPHA DP1 DL1 -0.00020 0.00138 -0.00247 -0.05370 0.03372 -1.3347563804838266E-004 Iterate? (y/n) n 0.02842 0.01714 OMEGA: -0.28363E-04 0.19784E-03 -0.35343E-03 ET1 - ET0: 7.00000 RA DEC DEG/DA: 98.15845 -60.51164 2009.99984 Return to iteration? (y/n) n Update SUMFILE? (y/n) n }}} Here is a sample output file P601293196F2_ROT.TXT: {{{ PICNM0 = P601293196F2 PICNM1 = P601293203F2 INERTIAL BODY FIXED EE0001 0.79740E-01 -0.24443E+00 -0.76561E-01 -0.24352E-01 0.26146E+00 -0.28265E-01 EE0002 0.76654E-01 -0.24740E+00 -0.76961E-01 -0.28215E-01 0.26180E+00 -0.28335E-01 EE0003 0.72600E-01 -0.24614E+00 -0.78760E-01 -0.31991E-01 0.26251E+00 -0.28429E-01 EE0004 0.69034E-01 -0.24720E+00 -0.79739E-01 -0.35877E-01 0.26275E+00 -0.28361E-01 EE0006 0.79252E-01 -0.24506E+00 -0.73033E-01 -0.24417E-01 0.26092E+00 -0.32141E-01 EE0007 0.75892E-01 -0.24655E+00 -0.73990E-01 -0.28216E-01 0.26158E+00 -0.32223E-01 ... OMEGA: -0.47507E-04 0.15800E-03 -0.37100E-03 RA DEC DEG/DA: 106.73459 -66.02445 2009.99984 ET1 - ET0: 7.00000 Rotation: 0.16285 IMAX: 76 dP, dL, dS: -0.91703E+00 0.51699E+00 -0.25762E-03 Body fixed frame: 87.19928 -64.78164 -115.42772 0.2404600643D+00 -0.3024911368D+01 0.2313284431D+01 SCOBJ 0.6384185077D+00 -0.4531136654D+00 -0.6280592064D+00 CX 0.7669571811D+00 0.4425514816D+00 0.4690669420D+00 CY 0.6479576942D-01 -0.7738450699D+00 0.6360038956D+00 CZ -0.5260644620D+00 0.8478532108D+00 0.6696761722D-01 SZ }}} ---------- ''(Compiled by ??)'' CategoryPrograms