= Test 11F with Overlaps = Truth topography: flat-topped cone with 20deg slope. Image suite: One 5cm resolution image for each Sun&S/C combination: Sun at 45deg, 0, -45deg; S/C at every 20deg Azimuth, 45deg Zenith. Model bigmap parameters: GSD = 5cm, Q = 49 (width=4.9m). == Results == Note: Image auto-alignment conducted after iteration 30 and 50. ||'''Iteration'''||'''CompareOBJ-RMS(cm)'''||'''CompareOBJ-RMS with Opt Trans & Rot (cm)'''||'''CompMapVec-RMS(cm)'''||'''Notes'''|| ||1|| || || ||manual image-alignment|| ||10|| ||20|| ||30|| ||31|| || || ||images auto-aligned|| ||40|| ||50|| ||51|| || || ||images auto-aligned|| ||60|| ||70|| ||80|| ||90|| ||100|| ||120|| ||140|| ||160|| ||180|| ||200|| '''Center Traces:''' Note: Image auto-alignment conducted after iteration 30 and 50. '''Traces Running North-South:''' {{attachment:transitPresentationIt1to100_50.png}} {{attachment:transitPresentationIt100to200_50.png}} '''Traces Running West-East:''' {{attachment:transposedTransitPresentationIt1to100_50.png}} '''Landmark Display after 1 iteration:''' {{attachment:lmrk-display-centrF-001.jpg}} '''Landmark Display after 100 iterations:''' {{attachment:lmrk-display-centrF-100.jpg}} '''Landmark Display after 200 iterations:''' {{attachment:lmrk-display-centrF-200.jpg}} '''Heat Plots of CopmMapVec RMS''' {{attachment:heatPlot-CENTRF-001.png}} {{attachment:heatPlot-CENTRF-050.png}} {{attachment:heatPlot-CENTRF-100.png}} {{attachment:heatPlot-CENTRF-150.png}} {{attachment:heatPlot-CENTRF-200.png}}