= shift = ||Category B||Version 3.0|| == Description == This program adjusts an entire shape file by a deltaX, deltaY and deltaZ. '''shift''' is typically used to adjust the center of figure to center of mass. '''shift''' can also deal with the fact that sometimes a shape model's center of figure can drift off the 0,0,0 coordinate center, i.e. the middle of the asteroid is no longer at the origin of the system. In such cases, you can run [[shape_info]] and use its Center of Figure offsets as the input for '''shift'''. === Required Files === '''For adjusting shape file''' * .TXT - '''For adjusting landmarks''' * [[MAPFILES]] - * [[LMRKLIST.TXT]] - * [[LMKFILES]] - === Output Files === * standard out - * .TXT - * [[LMKFILES]] - * [[MAPFILES]] - ---------- == Using shift == /!\ When you shift a shape file, only input the root name. Do not put in the fullpath or .TXT extension. /!\ shift will continue to ask you "Shape shift?" until you enter 'n'. Do not enter 'y' more than once unless you want to shift more than once. Here is a sample set of inputs for '''shift''': {{{ Enter C0(i), i=1,3 0.66624D-03 -0.24253D-03 -0.13943D-02 Shape shift? (y/n) y Input shape name (eg SHAPE2) TESTSHAPE Shape shift? (y/n) n Shift maplets? (y/n) y GEOMETRY 20 1 n n }}} The final 5 lines copy and paste to update the rest of the system (updating [[SCOBJ]] and [[C_vector]]). /!\ You must do this if you update the MAPLET positions. ---------- ''(Compiled by EP)'' CategoryPrograms