Block 15 - Boulder V2


Steps to deal with a boulder


1st Maplet

Find the boulder. Make a maplet in the area. Reduce the size until you have the top of the boulder in focus, and most likely if there are any base topography included, it will be out of focus. Remove many images until you have a very clean set of images that have the top of the boulder correct.


Suggestion on names: B-###A.IN

echo "Propagating the boulder: $ID" | tee -a notes

Build a bigmap around the boulder. base it on the maplet you just created

bigMapRef < lsupport/$ID.IN
echo $ID | showmap
convert $ID.pgm ~/send/$ID-0.jpg
convert SIGMAS.pgm ~/send/$ID-sig-0.jpg
tail -5 SIGMAS.TXT | tee -a notes

Do a fill

If you are pushing a few improved maplets to a whole region, than just use the model that you created. You'll want to put a symbolic link from it to XXXXXX. However, if you have improved terrain in some other directory and want to "import" it, then it is at this point you replace the bigmap with the improved version from another directory.

If replacing, do the following...

  echo y | cp workDir/MAPFILES/$ID.MAP MAPFILES/$ID.MAP

- And yes, it is important to do a murphy.

It is good to skip the map file you used for the top of the boulder. If more than one, I suggest excluding both of them for the fill.

Run the script

sh run_script.b

Evaluate the fill

Use bigmap to see how things worked out

bigMapRef < lsupport/$ID.IN
echo $ID | showmap
convert $ID.pgm ~/send/$ID-1.jpg
convert SIGMAS.pgm ~/send/$ID-sig-1.jpg
tail -5 SIGMAS.TXT | tee -a notes $ID
echo y | mv $ID.obj ~/send/

Finish the Block

(Compiled by EEP)

Block 15 - Boulder v2 (last edited 2019-01-06 00:45:25 by EricPalmer)