Find maplets containing surface point
(lithos Main Menu Option F. Find maplets containing surface point)
This Main Menu option allows you to find a specific maplet that falls within a range of values that you input. This is useful for finding a maplet/bigmap based upon a picture, lat/long, or maplet/bigmap.
When you enter Option F. Find maplets containing surface point from the Main Menu, you will see these prompts:
Main Menu: Q 0123O IUCRSG NVAMBX DEPL FZH? f >f pixlinpic (p) or ltdlng (l) or map p/l (m)? p input picture name P3T11L2H0203 input px,ln 512 512 Lat/Lon/Rad = -7.929 262.742 0.267 MAPLETS EE0006 0.0001 73.5753 68.1750 EE0007 0.0001 36.7092 69.8093 EE0010 0.0001 74.1030 29.5836 EE0011 0.0001 36.6173 29.6914 EE0047 0.0000 89.3879 78.6963 EE0048 0.0000 51.2886 78.8508 EE0049 0.0000 14.9830 78.3710 EE0056 0.0000 89.9906 39.9955 EE0057 0.0000 51.1087 40.0120 EE0058 0.0000 15.1030 40.0903 EE0065 0.0000 89.9260 5.7837 EE0066 0.0000 51.7840 5.7497 EE0067 0.0000 14.3419 4.4848 BIGMAPS T11T10 0.0001 131.7704 123.8519 T11T05 0.0000 253.5390 237.7034 T11EV1 0.0000 964.3016 903.6361 T11EVB 0.0000 1139.3016 1078.6361 TEMP01 0.0000 342.7534 274.3991 T11MEP 0.0000 343.3013 273.6356 Current landmark = TEST01 SCALE = 0.000100 QSZ = 49 Lat/Lon/Rad = -6.800 264.090 0.266 Region = EE Main Menu: Q 0123O IUCRSG NVAMBX DEPL FZH?
pixlinpic (p) or ltdlng (l) or map p/l (m)? - Selects one of these choices:
Entering 'p' prompts for a picture name, then a pixel/line location on that image. For example, on an image with a resolution of 1024X1024, '0 0' refers to the upper left of the picture and '512 512' refers to the center of the picture.
Entering 'l' (lowercase ell) prompts for the latitude and west longitude. This option uses the shape model for determining lat/lon.
Entering 'm' prompts for a landmark name, then a pixel/line location on that landmark. JRW edit 08 Nov 2021: '0 0' is the upper left, 'q q' is the center, and '2*q 2*q' is lower right. This is because Bob stores the matrix as -q to q, which includes 0.
The output of all 3 options is the same. It contains these elements:
Lat/Lon/Rad - Displays the Latitude/Longitude/Radius (in km) of the location you specified. These values come from the shape model.
Column 1 - The name of the maplet/bigmap.
Column 2 - GSD in km of the maplet/bigmap.
Column 3 - Pixel location of the specified lat/lon on the maplet.
Column 4 - Line location of the specified lat/lon on the maplet.
Additional Reference
[From LITHOS.f] - This process determines which maplets and maps include a given surface point. A surface point can be specified by its image-space location in an image, by its latitude and west longitude or by its coordinates in a map or maplet. It returns the latitude, west longitude and radius of the surface point and, for each maplet containing that point, the maplet scale and coordinates of the point.
(Compiled by JRW)