How To Build A Landmark


LITHOS: Create New Landmark

LITHOS: Input the new landmark

Once the landmark is created, you need to "load" it into active memory. You use the lithos command "i" from its main menu.

In a second terminal, review the LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm image. You can use ImageMagick's "Display" command, Graphics Converter, or if using a Mac, pgm files can be displayed in the Finder or Preview.

  cd <working dir>
  ls -lt | head
  display LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm

You can also use the SPC_Tools: landmarks

LITHOS: Eliminate Pictures from Landmark

LITHOS: Get Heights from Shape and Find Normal, V

In 2nd terminal:

  cd Bennu
  ls -lt | head
  display LMRK_Display1.pgm

Then display the START5.pgm (xv, imageMagick, convert, GraphicConverter)

LITHOS: Align Landmarks in Pictures

Option 1. Use this when the template you see in LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm is poor

Option 2 (typical). Use this as much as you can

1 - align landmarks

1 - align landmarks

3 - align with picture

0 - align with template

23 - picture #2 in LMRK_DISPLAY

3 - enter spacing

1 - enter spacing

n - new spacing?

y - new spacing? Yes b/c it only aligned a few images

0 - continue

2 - enter spacing

y - update landmark pixel locations?

y - new spacing? Yes b/c it only aligned a few images

1 - align landmarks

3 - enter spacing

0 - align with template

y - new spacing? Yes b/c 3 caused a couple images to shift>10px

1 - enter spacing

2 - enter spacing

n - new spacing?

n - new spacing? No, lets just use the correlated images first

0 - continue

0 - continue

y - update landmark pixel locations?

y - update landmark pixel locations?

1 - align landmarks

3 - align with picture

1 - picture #2 from last iteration became picture #1

1 - enter spacing

n - new spacing?

0 - continue

y - update landmark pixel locations?

display LMRK_Display1.pgm

LITHOS: Find Template

display LMRK_Display.pgm

LITHOS: Align Landmarks and Find Template

display LMRK_Display1.pgm

display LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm


LITHOS: Solve for Heights

display LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm display slope.pgm

LITHOS: Final Alignment and Save

How To Build A Landmark (last edited 2019-08-27 14:43:41 by EricPalmer)