Attachment 'mergeEmission.c'
Download 1 /*
2 cc -O3 mergeEmission.c -o t.mergeEmission
3 -- not permanent because you have to update
4 offset (based on phase.img)
5 5064 if required (based on the file itself - currently a single record)
6 scaling factor
7 */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #define SIZE 5064
12 #define VERSION 2
14 int readLine (FILE *in, char *buf) {
15 int i;
16 char val;
17 for (i=0; i<255; i++) {
18 val = fgetc (in);
19 buf [i] = val;
20 buf [i+1] = '\0';
21 if (val == '\n')
22 return i;
23 }//fori
24 return i;
26 }
28 int main (int argc, char *argv []) {
29 int j;
31 char headFile [100];
32 char *root ;
33 char headerStr [255];
34 char phaseStr [255];
35 char outFile [100];
37 printf ("Version %d\n", VERSION);
38 if (argc == 3) {
39 strcpy (headerStr, argv [1]);
40 strcpy (phaseStr, argv [2]);
41 }
42 else {
43 printf ("Batch usage: %s <header.IMG> <baseEmm.img> \n", argv [0]);
44 printf ("Enter source image to clone header from: ");
45 scanf ("%s", headerStr);
46 printf ("Enter emission ISIS-generated img file: ");
47 scanf ("%s", phaseStr);
48 }//else
51 // Set up the output by using the source header file and change 2nd char to E
52 sprintf (headFile, "%s", headerStr);
53 sprintf (outFile, "%s", headerStr);
54 outFile [1] = 'E';
56 FILE *headF = fopen (headFile, "r");
57 if (! headF ) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", headFile); exit (1); }
58 FILE *dataF = fopen (phaseStr, "r");
59 if (! dataF ) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", phaseStr); exit (1); }
61 FILE *outF = fopen (outFile, "w");
62 if (! outF ) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", outFile); exit (1); }
64 sprintf (outFile, "%s-meta", headerStr);
65 outFile [1] = 'E';
66 FILE *metaF = fopen (outFile, "w");
67 if (! metaF ) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", outFile); exit (1); }
70 // Copy header from template image into the new output image
71 int i;
72 for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
73 char ch = fgetc (headF);
74 fputc (ch, outF);
75 }//for
77 char buf [256], other [255];
78 char keyword [256];
79 short byteOffset = 9999;
80 float offset = -1;
81 float scalingFactor = -1;
82 long sum = 0;
83 char offsetStr [100];
84 char scalingStr [100];
85 int flag=0; // Tracks how many important options are set so we can stop
86 // Read in header for the phase file, stop when we get the buf char
87 // 1000 is a crazy max, and we should never get there
88 for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
89 sum += readLine (dataF, buf);
90 sscanf (buf, "%s = %s", keyword, other);
92 // Find the keywords and set values
93 fprintf (stderr, "%ld) %s <--> %s\n", sum, keyword, other);
94 if (strcmp ("LABEL_RECORDS", keyword) == 0) {
95 byteOffset = atoi (other);
96 printf ("################ - found byte %d rec\n", byteOffset);
97 flag++;
98 }//if
100 if (strcmp ("OFFSET", keyword) == 0) {
101 strcpy (offsetStr, other);
102 offset = atof (other);
103 flag++;
104 }//if
106 if (strcmp ("SCALING_FACTOR", keyword) == 0) {
107 strcpy (scalingStr, other);
108 scalingFactor = atof (other);
109 flag++;
110 }//if
113 // We found all 3 parameters, break and scan lines
114 if (flag >= 3)
115 break;
117 // The loop is done
118 if (sum >= byteOffset) {
119 printf ("%ld) ##-->%d<--\n", sum, buf [0]);
120 break;
121 }//if
123 }//for i
125 // Finish skipping crummy the header
126 printf ("# Finish skipping %ld %d\n", sum, byteOffset);
127 for (i=sum; i<byteOffset-15; i++) {
128 char ch = fgetc (dataF);
129 fputc (ch, stdout);
130 }//for
131 printf ("\n");
133 printf ("## Sum: %ld\n", sum);
134 printf ("## Offset: %s %f\n", offsetStr, offset);
135 printf ("## scale: %s %f\n", scalingStr, scalingFactor);
136 printf ("## ByteOffset: %d\n", byteOffset);
138 // Save the metadata scaling factor
139 fprintf (metaF, "Image: %s\n", headerStr);
140 fprintf (metaF, "## Offset: %s\n", offsetStr);
141 fprintf (metaF, "## scale: %s\n", scalingStr);
142 fprintf (metaF, "## ByteOffset: %d\n", byteOffset);
143 fclose (metaF);
146 unsigned short bufferA [SIZE];
147 i = 0;
148 int min = 99999;
149 int max = 0;
150 unsigned char a[2];
151 unsigned short val;
152 /* // just used to show the top of the stuff
153 fread (bufferA, sizeof (short)*SIZE, 1, dataF);
154 for (j=0; j<20; j++)
155 printf ("%u\n", bufferA [j]);
156 exit(0);
157 */
159 while ( feof (dataF) == 0) {
160 fread (bufferA, sizeof (short)*SIZE, 1, dataF);
161 for (j=0; j<SIZE; j++) {
162 bufferA [j] /= 2; // Yes, this should be kept as an int
163 if (bufferA [j] < min) min = bufferA [j];
164 if (bufferA [j] > max) max = bufferA [j];
165 }//for
166 if (i % 1000 == 0)
167 printf ("%dk) %u => %e \n", i/1000, bufferA[3], bufferA[3] * scalingFactor + offset);
168 fwrite (bufferA, sizeof (short)*SIZE, 1, outF);
169 i++;
170 }//while
172 printf ("# Short line\n");
173 for (j=0; j<30; j++)
174 printf ("%d ", bufferA[j]);
175 printf ("\n");
176 printf ("\n");
177 printf ("\n");
179 printf ("# This values are divided by 2 to deal with unsigned\n");
180 printf ("Min/Max %d/%d %5.3f/%5.3f\n", min, max, min*scalingFactor+offset, max*scalingFactor+offset);
182 printf ("other side) %u => %e \n", bufferA[SIZE-1], bufferA[SIZE-1] * scalingFactor + offset);
183 printf ("Offset bytes were %d\n", byteOffset);
186 }//main
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