OBoptimal Trial 3 (Kristofer)
The RMS between the truth model and best effort is 1.785 cm. From the time this test was completed, a tag site bigmap RMS under 5 cm was a requirement. Therefore, when perfect imaging is used, this requirement is met. The first graph represents the RMS from CompareOBJ versus test steps and shows that during iterations the RMS appears to slightly increase while the RMS decreases during tiling. This is why few iterations were performed.
The second graph shows the RMS of all the maplet's position uncertainty versus test steps. As can be seen from the graph, all the maplet's position uncertainty does not change after an iteration, but does after tiling. Overall, the main point of this graph is to show that all of the maple's position uncertainty hovers near the same values. When the all of the maplet's position uncertainty sky rocket's, which has occurred during iterations, problems during iterations have occurred. Therefore, I know for a fact that all iterations and tiling procedures went as planned, but I am still not sure why the RMS between truth and effort increased between iterations.
Third graph? Not sure what it tells me, but I know since the data are lower than 1 cm its good.
View Map RGB
Effort @ 1.25 cm resolution:
From observing both pictures, the topography belonging to the truth appears to show up in the effort, which is what we want.
Topographical 2D Map
For this 2D map the colors indicate the difference between truth and effort heights at each pixel in meters. The blue color shows places on the tag site were the truth topography is lower than the effort's while the red shows places where the truth topography is higher than the effort's. Thus, from observing the traces, blue blotches are craters while the red blotches are boulders. Overall, this plot shows that that the deviation between is truth and effort mostly occurs at boulders and craters, which would cause the RMS from CompareOBJ to be higher than if than if the boulders and craters did not exist.
This traces, show that the topography belonging to the effort follows that of the truth, but does not quite catch sharp jagged features, which is expected due to the smoothing that occurs during SPC.
In total, it appears that SPC is successful at generating a bigmap of tag site 1 when perfect orbit B images are used.