MAG Files

Category DART

Version 1.0


MAG files are written by stella. Stella writes out a MAG files for each image in which stella successfully correlates stars. MAG files contain the name of each star in the image, the correlation score, the total number of DN in the image associated with that star, and the star's v magnitude. MAG files live in the MAGFILES directory, which is parallel to LMKFILES, SUMFILES, etc. They are meant to be a shortcut toward a poor man's aperture photometry to assess radiometric response.

Stella names MAG files as PICNAME.REG.

An annotated .MAG file

    catno      corr     sum dn      mag   --> the columns are the number of the star in the catalog (also shown on TEMPFILE.ppm)
                                          --> the correlation score for that star, the total number of DN summed over a circle with radius
    150632     0.883    362528     9.500  --> qsize (the final parameter in the stella inputs), and the stellar magnitude.
    150692     0.879    285433     9.820
    150182     0.905    366901     9.820
    151042     0.951    341694     9.910
    150068     0.915    203637    10.300
    150234     0.912    196155    10.340
    151380     0.953    203285    10.350
    150010     0.964    188350    10.390
    151014     0.933    214639    10.390
    150122     0.935    200106    10.410
    151432     0.927    190317    10.450
    150482     0.947    210444    10.460
    150758     0.903    180699    10.460
    150154     0.954    159825    10.530
    150248     0.858    199390    10.630
    150080     0.901    165230    10.790
    151240     0.968    165286    10.860
    150764     0.842    161857    10.870
    150426     0.946    142003    10.880
    150522     0.899    187723    10.910
    150744     0.920    101989    10.920
    150912     0.925    148504    10.960
    150940     0.931    141451    10.990
    151066     0.870    138391    11.020
    150686     0.890    130369    11.110
    150350     0.856    108177    11.160
    150820     0.960    130938    11.180
    150678     0.943    118386    11.190
    151216     0.918    106825    11.200
    150798     0.928    127300    11.230
    150626     0.859    107775    11.260
    150514     0.900    114116    11.300
    150720     0.901     99973    11.360
    151368     0.912     97339    11.420
    151224     0.941    116083    11.440
    150494     0.933     83160    11.450
    150258     0.904    113108    11.460
    151284     0.930     95273    11.460
    1.1400    0.9158        38            --> the PSF used for the Gaussian, the average of the correlations for all the stars, and then the number of stars in the file.

MAG file (last edited 2022-05-20 12:56:12 by DalyTerik)