
Steps for making an "X-map" for Lockheed NFT. An X-map is a single maplet that is exported from SPC and used for navigation on the OSIRIS-REx mission's NFT. The GSD and pixel width is what Lockheed defines in their feature definitions.


mkdir -p $logP

checkVar $ID $Res $logP
bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN

#Make bigmap over landmark
bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN
relink.sh ${ID}A.MAP XXXXXX.MAP
cd ..

# Generate in file for LITHOS based on existing bigmap and seed files
echo "c" > XTMP.INN
echo "${ID}X" >> XTMP.INN
head -3 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN >> XTMP.INN
head -4 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN | tail -1 | cut -c1-20 >> XTMP.INN
echo "i" >> XTMP.INN
echo "${ID}X" >> XTMP.INN
Sleng=`wc nftConfig/nftSeed-$ID-6.seed | cut -c1-12 | bc`
Tleng=`echo "$Sleng-4" | bc`
tail -$Tleng nftConfig/nftSeed-$ID-6.seed >> XTMP.INN

#Create X map
# only paste down to just after the first eliminate (e-a).
# Topo script until good. Overlaps, 4 topos, overlaps again, 5 topos.

#Check OOT to make sure there are no *'s
rm XTMP.*

#Create W map

bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN
relink.sh ${ID}A.MAP XXXXXX.MAP
cd ..

# Generate in file for LITHOS based on existing bigmap and seed files
echo "c" > WTMP.INN
echo "${ID}W" >> WTMP.INN
head -3 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN >> WTMP.INN
head -4 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN | tail -1 | cut -c1-20 >> WTMP.INN
echo "i" >> WTMP.INN
echo "${ID}W" >> WTMP.INN
Sleng=`wc nftConfig/nftSeed-$ID-6.seed | cut -c1-12 | bc`
Tleng=`echo "$Sleng-4" | bc`
tail -$Tleng nftConfig/nftSeed-$ID-6.seed >> WTMP.INN

#Create W map
# only paste down to just after the first eliminate (e-a).
# Topo script until good. Overlaps, 4 topos, overlaps again, 5 topos.

#Check OOT to make sure there are no *'s
rm WTMP.*


Run this when you are ready to evaluate. You can also run it at the start or intermediate steps so you can see the current state. Note, the entries on the web get added on, but the files get updated. Thus, you can see the table stats from earlier runs, but the actual files will be updated when you run mapletWeb.sh again

If you want to avoid adding an extra line to the web-table, use "mapletWeb.sh <id> n"

mapletWeb.sh $ID

NFT-xmaps (last edited 2020-04-20 15:19:54 by JohnWeirich)