Test Over11I Results

Measurement Line Graphs

Line graphs showing various methods and a table, YAY!.

Istats.png Igraph.png


These graphs show the North to South and the West to East traces for various iterations of this test.

trace_I_multiple_iterations.png trace_IWE_multiple_iterations.png

Deviation Heat Maps

Topographical map where the colors indicate the calculated height difference between the Truth and Effort bigmap.

Heat_Maps_I0.png Heat_Maps_I1.png Heat_Maps_I10.png Heat_Maps_I20.png Heat_Maps_I30.png Heat_Maps_I40.png Heat_Maps_I50.png Heat_Maps_I60.png Heat_Maps_I70.png Heat_Maps_I80.png

Test Over11I Results (last edited 2015-12-04 18:14:43 by KristoferDrozd)