
Category B

Version 3.0


This procedure creates a large topographical/albedo map with the same file structure as a maplet.

The location of the map center is specified by one of three choices:

A second set of inputs contains:

The program first determines the body-fixed vector to the map center and the approximate surface normal vector (Uz). It then projects the shape model onto this surface and determines a second approximation of Uz by fitting a plane to the heights. It repeats this process one more time. The new map coordinate frame is then oriented so that East is to the right.

The program checks to see if any these files exist:

It takes the maplets to be used from the first of these files that it finds.

If you include the line 'LMKLX=.TRUE.' in INIT_LITHOS.TXT, bigmap will read LMRKLISTX.TXT. This will speed up the program by determining which maplets will be used without opening their .LMK files.

The bigmap reference plane has (2*qsz+1)^2 points at locations:

p(i,j) = V + j*Ux +i*Uy   (i,j = -qsz,qsz)

A line from each of these points in the normal (Uz) direction will pierce a number of maplets. For each i,j the program keeps track of:

Once these arrays are filled, bigmap computes the average heights and albedos at each point of the reference plane, as well as the standard deviation of the heights. This provides a convenient measure of the height uncertainty at each point. Displaying SIGMAS.pgm provides a quick means of identifying possible problem areas, as depicted in Figure 00.

Required Files

Optional Files

Output Files

Using bigmap

The input for bigmap consists of a long set of commands that are usually contained within a file.

Here is a sample input for bigmap:

 ~/bin/bigmap < ZN0208.IN

The following sample shows the normal format for the input file with some explanatory comments.

l   (select location, 1 is lat/lon)
    20    -40    (latitude, west longitude)
   0.06250       500   1.23400   1000  (scale, qsz (number of pixels), seed, max maplet res) 
ZN0208           (filename)
1                (end or integrate, 1 is integrate) <--- here begins the slope to heights integration 
.005             (input fraction)                   <--- fraction of points as seed heights in slope to height integration
.025             (input weight)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
1                (end, continue, or change weight, 1 is continue integrating)
0                (end, continue, or change weight, 0 is end iteration)
0                (no, square, or round template, 0 is No Template)

Here is a sample of sigmas.pgm:


Figure 00: Output of SIGMAS Graphical Format

(Compiled by TC)


bigmap (last edited 2018-06-07 19:51:32 by EricPalmer)