This is an older, but more elaborate script from Bob with Eric's notes on a few things.
# If the very beginning #rm VECS.TXT LIMBVECS.TXT # Triax - #diameter of 580 m #radius of .290 ch SHAPEFILES ../bin/triax .290 .290 .290 512 SPHERE.TXT cp SPHERE.TXT SHAPEL.TXT cd .. ................................................ Combine previous shape vectore and limb vectors with shape first and removing first line of each file. Save as VECS.TXT. SHAPEL likes to be Q=64 SHAPEX likes to be Q=16 ................................................ bin/dumber SHAPEFILES/SHAPEL.TXT SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT 4 y # if needed (1st time) /bin/cp SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT LIMBVECS.TXT vi LIMBVECS.TXT # /bin/cp LIMBVECS.TXT VECS.TXT vi SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT vi VECS.TXT ................................................ Run vecs2cube to get noisy shape model. Look at model with view_shape. # - This makes a Q-16 super low res model from VECS.TXT ................................................ bin/vecs2cube VECS.TXT 16 SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT bin/shape2maps SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT bin/view_shape ................................................ Save new shape as VECS.TXT, removing first line ................................................ /bin/cp -f SHAPEFILES/SHAPEX.TXT VECS.TXT vi VECS.TXT ................................................ Smooth model with vecs2shape and dumb down to q=64 Look at q=64 model with view_shapes ................................................ bin/vecs2shape VECS.TXT 512 13 SHAPEFILES/SHAPE.TXT bin/dumber SHAPEFILES/SHAPE.TXT SHAPEFILES/SHAPE0.TXT 8 y bin/shape2maps SHAPEFILES/SHAPE0.TXT bin/view_shape ................................................ At this point REGISTER can be run for a sampling of the images with a seed make_scriptR.seed such as: s .3 0 n q END to see if any set of images needs to be re-registered. We can also run: bin/Display PICNM 0 n y n gc TEMPFILE.pgm in order to display the limb points that have been found in the image PICNM. ................................................ ................................................ Copy q=64 model to SHAPEL.TXT, reference for LIMBER. Adjust LIMBER.IN if needed and run LIMBER. Check coverage when done. LIMBER: Default shape is SHAPE0 unless redefined in LIMBER.IN ................................................ /bin/cp SHAPEFILES/SHAPE0.TXT SHAPEFILES/SHAPEL.TXT vi LIMBER.IN bin/LIMBER bin/coverage 0 0,100 y convert coverage_g.pgm coverage_g.jpg ................................................ Go to beginning and repeat ................................................