
Category B

Version 3.0.1


This program ingests images into SPC, building the sumfiles and nominals.

make_sumfiles reads metadata about the images from, the position and pointing data from the kernels, and camera metadata from make_sumfiles.txt to generate body-fixed spacecraft position and pointing. It does the following:

User Warnings

Changes from the ECR for 3.0.1

SCOBJ_SHIFT.TXT maintains the current required shift between the center of mass of the OREx spacecraft and the camera focal plane. There is one line per camera consisting of camera number, delta X, delta Y, delta Z. Units are in meters. The coordinate frame is _. If the file isn't present, then this processing step will just be skipped.



Input Files

Output Files

Using make_sumfiles

When new images have been run through process_fits, then you can finish the ingestion by running make_sumfiles. Option 0 brings in new images. Typically, you will have to update make_script.txt to include SPK and CK kernels that cover these new images. Typically, you want to wait until the reconstructed kernels have been published (although you can use predicted kernels and then update them using make_sumfiles, option 1).

Option 1 is used when there is an update to the kernels (typically updated CK or SPK). It can also be used to update that starting sigma for the NOMINALS, but dynamics is a better tool for that because updating the NOMINALS will update everything to the same value.

Option 2 must be used with care. This changes the existing SUMFILES, and it allows you to tweak specific parts. Care is needed because you don't want to overwrite anything that had been done by hand and is believed to be correct (most specifically, geometry).

The following sample shows the standard inputs and the list of options for make_sumfiles:

 Use B-Frame? (y/n)
 0.  Create SUMFILES & NOMINALS and ..
 1.  Update old NOMINALS and ..
 2.  Update old SUMFILES

Enter the appropriate option:

Additional Reference

Alternative Description

Combines the converted image file with the image number, spacecraft state, spacecraft position & velocity and pointing information along with the associated calculated errors (Sigmas).


Option 0 creates .SUM and .NOM files for any new images but leaves all others

C     unchanged.  Additionally, option 1 updates all .NOM files.  Option 2 dies all of the
C     above and makes changes in all .SUM files.  The possible changes, specified in new
C     entries in make_sumfiles.txt, are:
C           Update UTC? (y/n)
C           Update image thresholds? (y/n)
C           Update camera parameters? (y/n)
C           Reset geometry? (y/n)
C           Reset sigmas? (y/n)
C     The procedure first uses SPKEZ to calculate the spcaecraft - object vector SCOBJ and
C     the unit vector to the Sun in inertial space at the ephemeris time ET of an image.
C     It also determines the light time LT from the s/c to the target.  It then determines
C     the transformation matrix from the camera frame (INST) to inertial space (TTVI) at
C     time ET using the SPICELIB routine PXFORM.  Now all relevant quantities are available in
C     inertial space.  In SPC all these quantities are used in the body-fixed frame, so we again
C     use PXFORM to translate from inertial to body-fixed (TIPM).  We do this not at ET but at
C     ET-LT, since this is when the light forming the image left the target body.

(Compiled by KD)



make_sumfiles (last edited 2018-05-05 19:07:31 by BMittan)