phasei (or t.phasei depending on version)
Version 1.1 - 25 Nov 2020 - Eric E. Palmer Given an image and a bigmap, determines local phase, emission angle, and incidence angle and writes them to a TXT file. Also output other data, including a text file for the latitude and east longitude of each pixel (which is independent of the image chosen).
Input - files
- JRW believes there are none required. Just need MAPFILES, SUMFILES, and NOMINALS directory.
Input - stdin
- Bigmap name (six characters)
Image name (12 characters, can use symbolic link if actual name is > or < 12)
<bigmap>-a.TXT - local phase: Orientation is the same as SHOWMAP for the bigmap
<bigmap>-e.TXT - local emission: Orientation is the same as SHOWMAP for the bigmap
<bigmap>-i.TXT - local incidence: Orientation is the same as SHOWMAP for the bigmap
<bigmap>-h.TXT - x slope: Orientation is ???
<bigmap>-v.TXT - y slope: Orientation is ???
<bigmap>-lat.TXT - latitude: Needs to be flipped top to bottom, then rotated 90 degrees clockwise to agree with SHOWMAP for the bigmap
flip from=INGV02-lat.cub to=INGV02-latFlip.cub
<bigmap>-lon.TXT - east longitude: Needs to be flipped top to bottom, then rotated 90 degrees clockwise to agree with SHOWMAP for the bigmap
rotate DEGREES=90 INTERP=NEARESTNEIGHBOR from=INGV02-latFlip.cub to=INGV02-lonFlipRot.cub