When limber is run, it creates limb files for each image in the folder LIMBFILES. They have the .LIM extension.
- Item number
- Sample position
- Line position
- Center vector X
- Center vector Y
- Center vector Z
- Surface normal vector X
- Surface normal vector Y
- Surface normal vector Z
- Sigma (of some sort)
1 421.6282 396.7001 -0.27572000D+00 0.87920000D-01 0.25789000D+00 -0.58774735D+00 0.15685397D+00 0.79369383D+00 0.31152657D-02 2 423.8189 393.8016 -0.27116000D+00 0.94280000D-01 0.25996000D+00 -0.57923376D+00 0.16113519D+00 0.79907679D+00 0.31152657D-02 3 426.1064 391.0282 -0.26660000D+00 0.10057000D+00 0.26195000D+00 -0.57156387D+00 0.16737871D+00 0.80330512D+00 0.31152657D-02 4 428.3449 388.2709 -0.26201000D+00 0.10676000D+00 0.26387000D+00 -0.56351387D+00 0.17591834D+00 0.80715851D+00 0.31152657D-02 5 429.4784 384.5938 -0.25740000D+00 0.11288000D+00 0.26569000D+00 -0.55530486D+00 0.18706649D+00 0.81033489D+00 0.31152657D-02 6 431.8080 381.9813 -0.25274000D+00 0.11890000D+00 0.26742000D+00 -0.54678061D+00 0.20068766D+00 0.81286864D+00 0.31152657D-02 ...
The write statement from UTILITIES/LIMBER.f
write(21,fmt='(I10,2f10.4,7D18.8)') . NSM, z0(1), z0(2), (V(K), K=1,3), . (Uz(K), K=1,3), SHPSIG