Build a picture
Assuming that we still have XXXXX linked to the bigmap...
checkVar $ID $Res $logP bigmap < nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN echo ${ID}A> tmpRun cat nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-$Res.IN >> tmpRun bigMapRef < tmpRun echo $ID$Res > MAPLIST.TXT echo END >> MAPLIST.TXT img=`head -2 nftConfig/nftBigmap-$ID-A.IN | tail -1` echo $img > tmp echo n >> tmp Imager_MG < tmp echo $img > tmp echo y >> tmp echo 0 >> tmp echo n >> tmp echo n >> tmp /opt/local/spc/unsup/unsup_v3_0_3D_2018_12_03/bin/Display < tmp #JRW Question: Immediately below we copy this and call it something different. Do we need this duplicated? convert TEMPFILE.pgm $logP/$img.jpg convert TEMPFILE.pgm 1.jpg convert TEMPFILE.pgm $logP/eval-$ID-$img.jpg echo XXXXXX | showmap convert XXXXXX.pgm $logP/eval-show-$ID.jpg score=`tail -2 SIGMAS.TXT | head -1 | cut -c 23-30` mScore=`echo "scale=2; $score * 1000" | bc | cut -c -4` convert SIGMAS.pgm -fill white -gravity North -pointsize 15 -annotate +0+10 Max:${mScore}m $logP/eval-sig-$ID.jpg echo "mScore: $mScore" | tee -a notes
If needed set up shift $ID echo $ID >> nftConfig/shift vi nftConfig/shift
Edit shift to be pixels you have to drag the image to get it to the center
This makes the feature. If you've already done it once, you can add an 'n' to the end $ID
Finish it
checkVar $ID $Res $logP echo 5 | nft.$ID
Evaluation -- This reads the *.OOT files generated from an iteration. It calculates the low, average, stdev and sigma-score for every landmark that was run. This can be run in any directory that has OOT files. Note, it would like to read MAPINFO.TXT to get the lat/lon and GSD of the landmark. If it is not there, it will have 0 0 0. You can "cheat" by running ln -s ../MAPINFO.TXT . (or whatever the path is to the original). It runs awk on landmarkOOT.awk.
You can give it a GSD so that it will only compute that GSD. Thus, 35cm landmarks would be 0.3500 (it uses string matches from MAPINFO.TXT)
- (0.1400)
sigma score
percent of images that passed 0.6
--- -- This uses lithos to load and evaluate the correlation score for a landmark. It will load the given landmark and run a 1 0 1 to get the scores. It doesn't change anything, but it is better to run in "wk" to avoid collision with gray.pgm.
This copies the LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm over to ~/send/ so you can see what it looks like <lmkname>
sigma score
- - This does a bunch of things to get the state of the MNL
Builds a bigmap using bigMapRef. Because it is using a reference bigmap, you need to run normal bigmap first
- It links the new bigmap to XXXXXX.MAP so it can be loaded in lithos. Map files that start with 0 do not get loaded. When NFT features have leading numbers other than 0, then we won't need this step
- Creates the Z maplet. This maplet is a simple 22cm with Q=49 that matches the size of the Orbit B MLNs. We create the maplet, load the just-created bigmap, eliminate out of range images, correct alignment and get the correlation values.
- Calculates the cardinal values for this landmark (which is close to representing the landmark (Q is 49 rather than 79)
- Displays the SIGMA.TXT value for the bigmap
- Copies CSPLOT.pgm to ~/send/cs-name.jpg
Calculates the correlation score using
- Deletes the Z maplet so it doesn't mess anything up. nft.$ID