Landmarks for today
Name |
Latitude |
East Longitude |
Ground Sample Distance (resolution) |
TEST03 |
-5 |
100 |
120cm |
TEST04 |
10 |
180 |
120cm |
Manual Shift
While running lithos and the landmark is loaded
Use LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm to identify which image needs to be moved and by how much
- You are moving the window, not the landmark. So if you want the feature to go down, you move the window up.
- 1 - Align landmark menu
- 1 - Manual move
<imgNum> - Image number
- deltaX, delta Y
- You can repeat these pairs of values. If you make a mistake, you can select the same image number again, and give it the correct value.
- 0 - end input
Look at a refreshed copy of LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm to see the correction
Global Shift
There are times when you want to shift the entire coordinate system. This can be done to avoid a limb, center on a clear feature when there is little to align to, or to copy and shift a new landmark.
- 1 - Align landmark menu
- 2 - Global shift
- delta X, delta Y
- y - update vector. Typically, you want to update the center vector of the maplet. Otherwise, you are only shifting the images.
Look at a refreshed copy of LMRK_DISPLAY1.pgm to see the correction
Tile at 120cm
- In your working directory, you will run the procedures to tile. You will use the and the XXX120.SEED files (see previous page).
You can use the standard block, HomePage#Blocks
* Basic shift
- Different views
- Global view
- zoom
* Batch alignment
Using find for a feature
I showed an example of finding a feature today and it was requested that I go over it again.
- Locate an image that has a good image of a feature. The higher resolution the image is, the better. Also, if the feature is not near the limb, that is better too.
- Use a program to get the x and y (pixel/line) location of the feature.
Run lithos
- Select the "F" find option
- p - define point by picture
- x and y location
lithos will display the coordinates (lat/lon/radius) of where that image intersects with the shape model. It will also list all the maplets and bigmaps that have that point in it. It provides the location (x and y) within the maplet and bigmap of that point also.
- If you want a list of all the images that has that feature in it, then build a landmark and add images.
In lithos
- c
- TMP001
- p
- x and y location
- .001, 49 # You could use other resolution also
- i
- TMP001
- y
- .5
- n
- u
- 1
- Then open the LMK file to see the position of all the images
- cat TMP001.LMK