Test F3E - Limbs

Goal: One of the major conditioning terms that can be used for landmark position is limb data. While stereo is useful, the limbs provide a 90° orthogonal data set to constrain the landmark's position relative from center of figure (see Figure 8). However, limb images normally consist of approach images with low resolution. From theoretical calculations, we estimate the best we can get the accuracy to be is 1/2 to 1/4 of a pixel of a limb image. It would be useful to investigate inclusion of higher resolution images that do not contain the entire asteroid, but still get better limb constraints.

Operator Information: Limbs Effects

Central vector. Running GEOMETRY, option 1 will adjust the spacecraft position/pointing. INIT_LITHOS has a weighting, LMKWTS, where the 2nd argument is the weighting used in the linear function used to solve relative to stereo (WB), limbs (WL), overlaps (WO), and a reference body (WR -- typically SHAPE00.TXT).

Spacecraft position/pointing. Running GEOMETRY, option 2 will adjust the spacecraft position/pointing. INIT_LITHOS has a weighting, PICWTS, where the 2nd argument is the weighting used in the linear function used to solve relative to stereo (WB), limbs (WL), nominal position (WS), nominal pointing (WC) and two images on either size (WT -- set with DYNAMICS).

Double feedback. GEOMETRY uses the landmark position to refine the spacecraft position. Additionally, it will update the landmark position based upon the spacecraft position. This can continue indefinitely.

We need to evaluate both the update to the central vector and the spacecraft position/pointing, thus each parameter of tests gets rerun to evaluate both the central vector and the spacecraft position/pointing.

Test Set Up

Data: Approach and DS off nadir with new images

Start: 35cm Preliminary Survey Shape Model

Build: TAG #1 site (single location evaluation, (lat, Wlon) = (-8.027, 262.768))

Sub-Test General Procedure

Start Up: Using PS shape, add in stereo images for the TAG site. Tile the full TAG site until we get a GSD of 5cm. Run GEOMETRY, option 2 to update the "stable" spacecraft positions/pointing.

Post Start Evaluation:

Sub-Test Landmark Position


Sub-Test Spacecraft

Sub-Tests F3E1 to F3E8

Sub-Test Number

Base image set

Limb image resolution




Low Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


Low Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


Low Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


Low Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


High Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


High Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


High Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2


High Stereo


Iteration x5 GEOMETRY 2

Aquire landmark updates after 5 iterations & get SC updates after Geometry 2

More Detailed Test Procedures

Tag Site is (lat, Wlon) = (-8.027, 262.768)

Starting shape model = 35cm Preliminary Survey

1. F3E-Limbs Directory Setup

2. F3E-Limbs Prepping High & Low Stereo Directories

3. F3E-Limbs Sub Tests

TestF3E (last edited 2016-03-16 14:55:52 by KristoferDrozd)