Warning: This page has been updated to include information on unofficial versions of the SPC software. This information is current as of the unofficial 20 May 2019 version of SPC.


Bob created a suite of programs that handles linescan (push broom) images.

Here are notes about how it works and what we've learned.

The current versions of the X versions of the SPC programs are located in the LITHOSPHEREX directory, rather than in X_FILES.


displayX serves the same purpose as display. Users can view images, which can be helpful for adjusting thresholds, treating blemishes, seeing landmark locations, and so forth. The options in display and displayX are similar, except that in displayX the user is not given the option to "show limb? (y/n)". The outputs of displayX and display are also similar. Users can look at TEMPFILE.pgm to see the image. Terminal will report the size of the image, as well as T1, KS, etc. and give the option to copy TEMPFILE.pgm to ./Display/imagenameR.pgm.


registerX serves the same purpose as register. Users can register images to another image, to a map, or to a shape. registerX has fewer options than register. Specifically, registerX has the following options:

The following options exist in register, but not registerX.

Another difference: the current picture, current reference, and current scale are printed at the bottom of the register menu. registerX does not print this information.

The outputs of register and registerX are the same. TEMPFILE.pgm and TEMPFILE.ppm that can be used to assess how well the image is registered. See the documentation for register for more details on these files.


Note: lithospX does not work, so landmarks with linescan images must be processed serially, which means iterations can take a while. lithosX serves the same purpose as lithos. However, lithosX lacks certain bells and whistles. This does not impede the use of lithosX, but it's worth noting. The options in lithosX and lithos are similar, except that lithosX lacks the "H. Hide screen output" option and includes option "T. Show Topo and Albedo maps", options that regular lithos lacks. The main menus of lithos and lithosX looks a bit different, but with the two exceptions noted above, have the same functioanlity. The lithos main menu is abbreviated unless the user types "?" to get the verbose menu. The lithosX menu is always verbose, and the options are not separated out by function as they are in the verbose version of the lithos menu (e.g., landmark/maplet construction, adjust input data and nominals, etc.).

Some other things to note:





If Q > 1000, a bigmap will not work with x.lithos. The solution is to break the bigmap into pieces that are less than a Q of 1000, and then after those bigmaps are tiled, tile the gaps.


While not an X-file-only tool, is heavily used to support data processing

In addition to Bob's software, Terik and Carolyn modified some other programs so that they work with the X versions of the software:

Make a note in here somwhere about OO vs OOT

Specific Object (includes PROCESS_<whatever>)

Specific Projects

Building Photometic Cubes

A Photometric cube is a abstraction of a physical location on a surface in which every image is registered to an SPC bigmap with backplanes.

X-Files (last edited 2019-08-07 09:28:49 by JohnWeirich)