Category B |
Version 3.0 |
This program writes an ordered list of unique landmark names to make_script.in, the .in file required by batch processes such as lithosP processing using make_scriptP. It also checks that the landmarks are included in LMRKLIST.TXT, and that LMKFILES and MAPFILES exist for each entry.
The duplicates program serves two functions:
First, some lists of landmarks to be processed may contain duplicate names. The files check.txt and MAPCHK.TXT produced by residuals are examples. duplicates outputs only one of each to the file make_script.in.
Second, in iterating a set of landmarks, it is believed to be more reliable to proceed from lower to higher resolution maplets. Duplicates does this ordering using the Heapsort algorithm (Numerical Recipes, p. 231) as part of the process.
The input file for duplicates is LIST.TXT, which consists of a list of landmark names followed by END as the final record. The output file make_script.in has the same form.
Required Files
LMRKLIST.TXT - Full list of landmarks, appended with 'END'.
- LIST.TXT - Temporary list of the subset of landmarks which the user wishes to process appended with 'END', for sorting and removal of duplicates using this program.
LMKFILES/ - Directory containing all the LMKFILES listed in LMRKLIST.TXT.
MAPFILES/ - Directory containing all the MAPFILES for landmarks listed in LMRKLIST.TXT.
Output Files
make_script.in - the .in file required by script-makers such as make_scriptP for generating the run scripts required for batch processing.
Using duplicates
- Create Input File
Create LIST.TXT, a list of landmark names for the landmarks intended for batch processing, appended with the end-of-file identifier, 'END'. See sample file below.
- Run duplicates
duplicates processes landmark names as follows:
For every landmark listed in LMRKLIST.TXT, duplicates
- checks that the MAPFILE exists
- obtains the maplet's Q-size and Ground Sample Distance (GSD) from the LMKFILE
- sorts the list by decreasing GSD and increasing name (lat/wlong identifier and numeric identifier)
- discards duplicate entries
For every landmark listed in LIST.TXT, duplicates
checks that the landmark is also listed in LMRKLIST.TXT; if it is, the landmark is included in the output
duplicates writes the sub-set of ordered landmarks to make_script.in.
The LANDMARK and MAP files for the landmarks included in LMRKLIST.TXT must exist in LMKFILES/ and MAPFILES/.
duplicates only considers landmarks contained in LIST.TXT, that are also contained in LMRKLIST.TXT.
Here is a sample LMRKLIST.TXT file:
EE0001 EE0002 EE0003 EE0004 EE0005 EE0006 EE0007 EE0008 EE0009 EE0010 EF0001 EF0002 EF0003 EF0004 EF0005 EF0006 EF0007 EF0008 EF0009 EF0010 END
Here is a sample LIST.TXT file:
EF0006 EF0006 EF0006 FF0006 EE0004 FF0009 EE0007 EE0010 EE0009 EE0006 EF0010 EF0004 EE0005 EF0005 EF0008 FF0008 EE0008 FF0005 FF0010 EF0009 EF0007 FF0004 FF0007 END
Note that the sample LIST.TXT contains a disordered list of landmark names and many duplicate entries. Also, the FF* landmarks are not included in the sample LMRKLIST.TXT and the sample LIST.TXT does not include any landmarks ending in 1, 2, or 3. (This scenario is included for illustrative purposes only.)
Here is a sample make_script.in file generated using duplicates:
EE0004 EE0005 EE0006 EE0007 EE0008 EE0009 EE0010 EF0004 EF0005 EF0006 EF0007 EF0008 EF0009 EF0010 END
(Compiled by DL)