Get heights from surrounding map
(lithos Main Menu Option B. Get heights from surrounding map)
This Main Menu option lets you load topography from a map. This option is similar to Get heights from shape model except that you must specify a bigmap or maplet.
When you choose Option B. Get heights from surrounding map from the Main Menu, you will see this set of Prompts:
Main Menu: Q 0123O IUCRSG NVAMBX DEPL FZH? b >b List possibilities? (y/n) y AUTOPICK? (y/n) n EE0002 0.0001 0.6040 EE0005 0.0001 0.6499 T11T10 0.0001 0.7937 T11T05 0.0000 0.7632 T11EV1 0.0000 0.7456 T11EVB 0.0000 0.9851 input a 6-character landmark name. 0 to cancel
List possibilities? (y/n) - Enter 'y' to list all of the bigmaps and maplets that physically overlap with the current maplet.
Note that the overlap determinations from Option O. from the Main Menu do not affect the maps listed.
AUTOPICK? (y/n) - You have the option to let lithos autopick the maplet to load.
The display includes these elements:
Column 1: The map name list.
Column 2: The GSD of the map in km.
Column 3: The percentage of the current maplet that is covered by the listed map.
Although it is not listed, you can also load topography from the current maplet. This is sometimes useful when zooming in or out using Option S. Change scale, qsz or orientation.
(Compiled by JRW)