Zmap Tiling at 18cm
Here are all the procedures needed to tile at 18cm
Proc 5-1
This procedure just creates all the Zmaps that will be used.
Here is the list of Zmaps to use. Make sure this file (MAPLIST.TXT) is in your working directory, or is a pointer to the list of Zmaps.
# Start in the working directory cd <path>/F6-RFR/Bennu #Prepare directory for running MAKE_TILES mkdir ZINPTS echo “0.00022 175 1.23400 5.00000” | MAKE_TILES #This next set of lines will enable MAKE_TILES.b to be run using shell rm -f MAKE_TILES_2.b while read line; do if [ `echo $line | grep bigmap | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then echo $line >> MAKE_TILES_2.b else if [ `echo $line | grep -i showmap | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then echo "echo $line | /usr/local/bin/SHOWMAP" >> MAKE_TILES_2.b fi fi done < MAKE_TILES.b mv MAKE_TILES_2.b MAKE_TILES.b y #Run the updated MAKE_TILES.b in a shell nohup sh MAKE_TILES.b
Proc 5-2
This procedure creates 4 directories to tile a quarter of the surface and leave a gap between each directory. The directories are name tile1, tile2, tile3, and tile4.
# Start in the SPC working directory cd <path>/F6-RFR/Bennu #Clean out any shape files created during a previous iteration cd SHAPEFILES rm –f TSHP*.TXT cd .. #clean working directory before starting sh rem_script.b rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/* rm -f rm -f LMRKLIST1.TXT rm -f rm -f temp.out #back up one directory cd .. #Use rsync to make multiple copies of the SPC working directory rsync -hapvP --exclude=IMAGEFILES --exclude=wk <working directory>/ tile1 rsync -hapvP --exclude=IMAGEFILES --exclude=wk <working directory>/ tile2 rsync -hapvP --exclude=IMAGEFILES --exclude=wk <working directory>/ tile3 rsync -hapvP --exclude=IMAGEFILES --exclude=wk <working directory>/ tile4 ln –s ../<working directory>/IMAGEFILES tile1/ ln –s ../<working directory>/IMAGEFILES tile2/ ln –s ../<working directory>/IMAGEFILES tile3/ ln –s ../<working directory>/IMAGEFILES tile4/
Proc 5-3(a through d)
This procedure will run the tiling process in the directory tile[1-4]. You can copy/paste the below text and update bigmapName each time, but instead I recommend using the shell script. Be sure to update the "GSD" and "SCRIPT" before using this shell script! It will be called like so...
cd <tiling directory> sh ~/bin/ ../MAPLISTtile1.TXT #MAPLISTtile1.TXT can be found below.
# Start in the tile<1> sub-directory cd <path>/F6-RFR/Bennu dir>/tile1 GSD=0.00018 SCRIPT=XXX018.seed bigmapName=<map name> echo $GSD > inputs echo $SCRIPT >> inputs echo $bigmapName >> inputs # Create a symbolic link to the Zmap used for tiling cd MAPFILES/ rm -f XXXXXX.MAP ln -s $bigmapName.MAP XXXXXX.MAP cd .. #Setup tiling echo "XXXXXX" > echo 0 >> echo $GSD >> map_coverage < /opt/local/bin/convert coverage_m.pgm $bigmapName-beforeTiling.jpg echo "N" | make_tilefile | tee make_tilefile.out sed 1d make_tilefile.out > temp.out echo "XXXXXX" > echo "scripts/$SCRIPT" >> cat temp.out >> # Build the scripts make_scriptT # Run the scripts nohup sh run_script.b # When complete, save the results map_coverage < /opt/local/bin/convert coverage_m.pgm $bigmapName-afterTiling.jpg find_nofitT | tee output mkdir steptile$bigmapName mv *INN *OOT output inputs *Tiling.jpg steptile$bigmapName # Once evaluation of new landmarks is complete and they are deemed "good" remove temporary files rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/*
After the tiling is finished you will need to fix all the landmarks that have flags.
Proc 5-4
This procedure will be used to merge each of the tiled directories back into the main directory. This process takes awhile, so you should merge each tiling directory as it finishes.
# Start in the SPC directory cd <path>/F6-RFR/Bennu dir>/ #Export landmarks in tile1 into a tar ball; do this whole procedure again for tile2 tile3 and tile4 cd tile<1> #Fix any landmarks with errors cat step*/output mkdir -p NEW_FILES/LMKFILES mkdir -p NEW_FILES/MAPFILES /usr/local/bin/EXPORT sh EXPORT.TXT mv -f NEW_FILES.TAR ../<working directory>/ cd ../<working directory>/ rm -r NEW_FILES tar -xf NEW_FILES.TAR /usr/local/bin/IMPORT cp NEWLIST.TXT y # runs overlaps on all the new maplets echo n > make_scriptF.seed echo n >> make_scriptF.seed echo g >> make_scriptF.seed echo u >> make_scriptF.seed echo 1 >> make_scriptF.seed echo o >> make_scriptF.seed echo RECENT >> make_scriptF.seed echo n >> make_scriptF.seed echo 1 >> make_scriptF.seed echo q >> make_scriptF.seed echo END >> make_scriptF.seed sh rem_script.b rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/* make_scriptF nohup sh run_script.b #When complete, save the results find_nofit | tee output mkdir steptile<1> mv *INN *OOT output steptile<1> # Once evaluation of new landmarks is complete and they are deemed “good” remove temporary files rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/*
Proc 5-3e
No I did not make a typo! Proc 5-3e follows Proc 5-4. 5-3e is tiling the gaps between each of the tiling directories. Procedures are the same as 5-3 a through d.
Fix any landmarks that throw a flag.
Proc 5-4
Now we export and import each tiling directory, and then run make_scriptF to run overlaps and limbs so all landmarks are tied together in the working directory.
# Start in the SPC directory cd <path>/F6-RFR/Bennu dir>/ #Export landmarks in tile1 into a tar ball; do this whole procedure again for tile2 tile3 and tile4 cd tile<1> #Fix any landmarks with errors cat step*/output mkdir -p NEW_FILES/LMKFILES mkdir -p NEW_FILES/MAPFILES /usr/local/bin/EXPORT sh EXPORT.TXT mv -f NEW_FILES.TAR ../<working directory>/ cd ../<working directory>/ rm -r NEW_FILES tar -xf NEW_FILES.TAR /usr/local/bin/IMPORT cp NEWLIST.TXT y # runs overlaps on all the new maplets echo n > make_scriptF.seed echo n >> make_scriptF.seed echo g >> make_scriptF.seed echo u >> make_scriptF.seed echo 1 >> make_scriptF.seed echo o >> make_scriptF.seed echo RECENT >> make_scriptF.seed echo n >> make_scriptF.seed echo 1 >> make_scriptF.seed echo q >> make_scriptF.seed echo END >> make_scriptF.seed sh rem_script.b rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/* make_scriptF nohup sh run_script.b #When complete, save the results find_nofit | tee output mkdir steptile<1> mv *INN *OOT output steptile<1> # Once evaluation of new landmarks is complete and they are deemed “good” remove temporary files rm -f TESTFILES/* rm -f TESTFILES1/*
Check RESIDUALS for any errors, fix them, and do an iteration and the block is complete.
End result will look like this.