Test F3E Geometry 1 & 2


Geometry is a very power and necessary tool in SPC in order to update the spacecraft position. Once done, the position and pointing of the spacecraft is significantly improved so that the calculations with residuals is more accurate.


User inputs


Step 1- Ensure Stability

Ensure that there are no major problems with the shape model.

echo 5 .005 .0002 | residuals      # 5 is static, .005 should be 5*acceptable RMS error, .0002 is the pixel size of the highest resolution image

Step 2 - Prep for geometry

rsync --exclude=*DAT -hapvP . <path>backup-<date>

Step 3 - Run Geometry

Running geometry is pretty simple, but it is very powerful. In this case, we will do an update of the central vector first. It is unlikely that it is needed because lithosP usually does this a lot, but it doesn't hurt. Then we run camera pointing, SCOBJ, which moves the spacecraft and its pointing. This updates the SUMFILES.

   1: landmark vectors.
   2: camera pointing, scobj
   0: end. 

 input operation list

 enter number of iterations
 use limbs for pointing? (y/n)
 continue? (y/n)

Step 4 - Review

echo 5 .005 .0002 | residuals      # 5 is static, .005 should be 5*acceptable RMS error, .0002 is the pixel size of the highest resolution image
grep ">" MAPINFO.TXT

Step 5 - Iterate

To enable the benefits of geometry and whatever landmarks you did fix during your review, run iterate. Execute Block 5 - Iterate

Test F3E Geometry 1 & 2 (last edited 2016-03-16 14:26:21 by KristoferDrozd)